Posts Tagged
McNicholas High School
A picture says a thousand words: McNick Penny Days

Each year McNicholas High School bring in the penny’s to help scholarships. This year they raised over $5,300.
A picture says a thousand words: Scenes from Signing Day 2016

Around the Archdiocese of Cincinnati on Wednesday, February 1st on National Signing Day. National Signing Day is usually the first Wednesday of February, is the first day that a high school senior can sign a binding National Letter of Intent for college sports with a school that is a member of …
A picture says a thousand words: McNicholas stands with Withrow

In the wake of the recent graffiti attack at Withrow High School in Cincinnati, Students from McNicholas Stand with the students of Withrow.
McNicholas High school announces new scholarship
Staff Report Archbishop McNicholas High School announced Thursday the creation the Dolores C. Sawyer Memorial Scholarship.
Day before beginning practice, Catholic football teams gather to pray [Photos]

By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph A day before Ohio high school football teams were set to begin two-a-day practices, Catholic high schools from around the region gathered to pray the rosary in front of the Blessed Sacrament. Mount St. Mary’s Seminary of the West at the Athenaeum of Ohio …
Fenwick, McNicholas postgame prayer may start new tradition

Staff Report When SportsLeader works with Catholic schools, one of its hopes is to help the school strengthen their Catholic identity. One of the ways SportsLeader does this is by encouraging prayer after athletic contests. Two SportsLeader schools, members Bishop Fenwick and McNicholas, met on the football field Sept. 27. …
McNicholas student-produced video on Pacem in Terris a hit [Video]
By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph More than 300 students from around the Archdiocese of Cincinnati attended a day-long conference entitled “New Hope for the World: Called by Our Faith to Be Peacemakers” at Xavier University on April 18 to celebrate the landmark encyclical Pacem in Terris (Peace on Earth) …
More than 300 students celebrate 50th anniversary of Pacem in Terris at XU

By Jean Lim For The Catholic Telegraph How do you see yourself as hope to a world that desperately needs persons of faith to bring it closer to peace? That question was the focus of events at Xavier University on April 18 commemorating the 50th anniversary of Pacem in Terris …
McNicholas High School dedicates military memorial
Thursday, May 21, 2009 By Eileen Connelly, OSU ST. FRANCIS DE SALES DEANERY — As a patriotic crowd sang the national anthem and an Army helicopter hovered overhead, the Archbishop McNicholas High School community dedicated a military memorial on its campus on May 15 honoring five graduates who have given …