Posts Tagged
McAuley High School
Jubilarians 2019: Sisters of Mercy

60 Years Sister Mary Louise Averbeck, RSM (formerly Sister Mary Laetare) Sister Mary Lou grew up in St. Martin Parish in Cheviot and attended Mother of Mercy High School. Her years of ministry as a Sister if Mercy have been in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, teaching junior high students in …
Jubilarians 2018: Sisters of Mercy

Sister Lucy Beischel, RSM (formerly Sister Mary Roderic) – 70 years A life-long resident of Cincinnati, Sister Lucy Beischelspent her first five years of ministry teaching elementary school. In 1958 she became librarian at Our Lady of Cincinnati College (Edgecliff College). In 1981 she became librarian at Mother of Mercy. …
An end and a beginning at McAuley HS

Goodbye Mass ends in tears, laughter; new school to open in fall This story first appeared in our July, 2018 print edition By Eileen Connelly, OSU Hundreds of members of the McAuley High School community, including alumnae, students, parents, faculty, and friends came together May 27 for a final Mass …
School Logo, Colors, Mascot and Tagline Unveiled for the new Mercy McAuley High School

Cincinnati – Today, in a joint pep assembly of all students, faculty and staff from both McAuley and Mother of Mercy High Schools, the school colors, mascot, logo and tagline were revealed for the new Mercy McAuley High School, which opens in August of 2018. The new school’s official colors …
Mercy McAuley FAQ on new President and Principal hiring

Now that the Mercy McAuley leadership has been named, what happens to the current principal and staff? All current faculty and staff of both Mother of Mercy and McAuley high schools will remain in place through the 2017-2018 school year. As the new leaders come on board, they will assess …
Sisters of Mercy Announce New President Principal of Mercy McAuley High School

After a national search, the Sisters of Mercy announce the appointment of the new president and the new principal of Mercy McAuley High School, who will work in tandem to continue the sisters’ rich heritage of providing young women in Cincinnati with a Catholic Mercy education. These leaders will guide …
McAuley and Mother Mercy High Schools are asking for opinion

McAuley and Mother of Mercy High Schools are asking for your opinion to help to inform the brand strategy of the new Mercy McAuley High School. Stakeholders from several groups associated with McAuley and Mother of Mercy are being contacted to participate in a survey. These groups include: • Students …
A picture says a thousand words: High School Theatre

Throughout the spring there were many theatre productions in Archdiocese of Cincinnati School’s. Here’s a peak at some of them
Mercy high schools to merge: Sisters: Cincinnati can no longer support three West Side girls’ school

By Eileen Connelly,OSU For Mercy and McAuley high schools, the focus is on the future. The Sisters of Mercy announced a merger between the two all-girls schools at a March 2 press conference. Both will maintain current operations for the remainder of this and next academic year. Then, in the …
A picture says a thousand words: Mercy Students Visit McAuley

Mother of Mercy Sophomore’s visited McAuley High School.