Posts Tagged
May 2021
A Priest’s Perspective: Our Heroic Mothers

Ten years ago, my friend was preparing to move to Baltimore. Before the move, she made a request: “Mom is getting a little forgetful. Could you look in on her and bring her Communion?” I agreed and each Friday I met with a remarkable mother of eight who raised her …
Shine On: To the Single Mothers on Mothers Day

I never thought of my mom as a single mother but, objectively, she was. My parents divorced when I was nine. From then on, it was just my older sister, my younger brother and me living at home with Mom. Maybe it was because Dad was still around and we …
Bicentennial Marian Pilgrimage

It’s not every day we get to be a part of history. Yet this month, Catholics in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati have the opportunity to be part of the longest Marian pilgrimage ever attempted in the U.S., and everyone is invited to take part in this historical event. In celebration …
Growing Numbers

Open houses, shadow days and “a very positive buzz” surrounding McNicholas High School in Cincinnati are drawing students to the school in record numbers, according to Anne Jones, director of communications and marketing at McNicholas. The school’s current enrollment of 487 has seen a steady increase over the past year …
Educational Foundations: CISE Preschools Prepare Urban Children for Success

Every day, Jennifer Hagood’s 5-year-old son, Ricole, says a prayer. “He doesn’t pray for toys. He prays for the people he loves,” she explained. “He sends everybody’s name up to God.” Hagood attributes her son’s concern for others to the solid foundation in both his education and faith-based values he …
The Final Word: Our Lady of Charity: My Heavenly Mother

Growing up Catholic and Cuban-American in the Bible Belt of the Deep South in the late 1960s proved challenging. I experienced the awkwardness of passing on that tasty Sloppy Joe sandwich on Fridays and the humiliation of being picked up early from slumber parties because my parents couldn’t wrap their …
Our New Priests: Louis Jacquemin

I have lived in Hamilton, OH, for most of my life on my family’s farm. My home parish is St. Ann in Hamilton. I grew in a farming family. My father is a full time farmer and my mom homeschooled my brothers, sisters and me all the way up through …
Our New Priests: Elijah Puthoff

I grew up near Russia, OH, a small town north of Dayton. I was the fifth of eight children, and my family was very devoted to their faith growing up, stemming primarily from my parents’ great commitment. My home parish is St. Remy in Russia WHEN DID YOU FIRST …
Making Catholic Memories: Baking Blessed Imelda Hosts

There are so many things to look forward to in May! The end of the school year, graduations, sports, Mother’s Day and – for second graders across the archdiocese – the reception of their First Holy Eucharist! Though our oldest is 15, we still remember the day Justin received his …
Rosary Men

The average person spends a third of their life at work. For a believer in Jesus, time at work isn’t supposed to be time out from faith. Rosary Men is a movement, founded by Joe Kruessel, Todd Uterstaedt and Michael Whelan, to bring faith into the workplace. The idea is …