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May 2015
My Journey: Saints were her ‘gateway drug’

By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph Amy McEntee’s parents were Church of the Brethren Sunday School teachers who instilled a strong love of Christ in her from an early age. Her faith life moved along smoothly until a rift opened her to other experiences of Christianity. “There was a rift …
Lenten effort challenged Miami Valley residents to stand in solidarity with the hungry

By Eileen Connelly, OSU The Catholic Telegraph Shopping for and preparing meals isn’t easy for people who live on a limited incomes and lack transportation. This includes urban neighborhoods in the Dayton area, ranked fourth in the nation for food hardship. For one week in Lent (March 22-38) the Catholic …
Xavier speaker addresses pope’s commitment to environment
By Walt Schaefer For The Catholic Telegraph As Catholics await an encyclical from Pope Francis addressing ecology, the topic continues to be an item of heated discussion around the globe. As a prelude to the encyclical, Xavier University invited Cincinnati native Daniel J. Misleh, executive director of the Catholic Climate Covenant …
Conversion leads to joy of Lenten fish fries
This past Lent, I was part of a book discussion on, of all things, The Joy of the Gospel, popularly described as Pope Francis’ “blueprint” for the church. One of the participants was basking in the glow of her recent conversion to Catholicism. She movingly shared with us one night …
Catholic Thoughts: Christ is risen…We are rising
How are you doing with resurrection? I not talking about the big “R” Easter Resurrection. I am talking about the everyday, personal resurrection. By this I mean those small, personal moments when we choose something more than defeat, failure, death. Think about people who are facing hopeless situations, defeat, and …
Seminarians to be ordained priests May 16

By Steve Trosley The Catholic Telegraph Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr will ordain three men priests of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati May 16 at St. Peter in Chains Cathedral, Cincinnati. The celebration begins at 11 a.m. A fourth member of the 2015 class of Mount St. Mary’s of the West Seminary …
St. Mary Catholic Church breaks ground for new location

By Sarah Anne Carter For The Catholic Telegraph By moving about seven miles from its current location, one parish hopes to greatly expand its capacity for both parishioners and ministries. St. Mary Catholic Church in Franklin had a groundbreaking ceremony March 8 in Springboro for a new church building. The …
Local friar pens devotional on Saint Francis of Assisi
For centuries St. Francis of Assisi has pointed others to Christ. His writings, associated legends and popular sayings have inspired priests, laity and even the present Holy Father. Popular culture knows the founder of the Franciscan orders for his commitment to poverty and love of animals, but these alone do …
Editor’s Note: Effort needed to truly know people around us
The resurrection of Jesus Christ should be very much on our minds as Easter passes and we give thanks for our hope of our own resurrection. Death, however, comes before resurrection. The tragic passing at age 17 of Purcell-Marian student Kelsie Crow on Holy Saturday when a stray bullet found …
IHM parishioner says, ‘God is my lead accountant’

By Walt Scaefer For The Catholic Telegraph Mike Desmier worked at the behest of others for years. Now he has found a personal niche in life. As a certified public accountant, Desmier toiled for area construction companies, where owner demands sometimes conflicted with reality. He became disillusioned with the quest …