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Matt Hess

Many members of the St. Henry Family of Parishes thought it was a monumental goal: Adoration at St. Wendelin Church five days a week, including through the night. The goal sprang from a difficulty—the reduction of scheduled Masses in the Family of Parishes made St. Wendelin one of two churches …

Near the scenic Rhine River in Germany is a little shrine devoted to the Blessed Mother where Father Joseph Kentenich founded the Marian movement called Schoenstatt, meaning “beautiful place.” This apostolic movement seeks to renew the Church by connecting faith to daily life through Mary’s example. Now established across the …

Carmelite Spirituality is one of the oldest in the Catholic tradition, having roots in the Old Testament with the prophet Elijah. His witness inspired hermits to live on Mount Carmel, the tradition was carried to Europe and reformed in the 16th century, and the spirituality continues to be lived out …

by Matt Hess God works quietly in human hearts, drawing all people to Himself. This pull of Christ in everyday people’s lives is apparent to those working in evangelization throughout our archdiocese. Lisa Fullenkamp is one of those lucky enough to witness this. As the Coordinator of Adult Sacramental Preparation …

Greenville’s tight-knit school puts faith first by Matt Hess Photos by Danny Schneible Tim Wiedenmann was uneasy about leaving his religion classroom at a larger school to become principal of St. Mary’s School in Greenville, OH. He expected to really miss interacting with students as an administrator, but now in …

On today’s menu, sweet and sour chicken with fried rice. For dessert, banana pudding. “This is a new one for us,” says Pat Freisthler, who has volunteered to cook at Holy Angels Soup Kitchen in Sidney since he first brought CCD students to volunteer a decade ago. Each day is …

It started with a trip to Kettering for prayer. Legion of Mary ladies from Holy Rosary Church in St. Marys, OH, traveled with a group to pray at an abortion clinic in the spring of 2018. Teresa Vint, a Legion member, recalls that fateful April day when the Elizabeth New …

At the end of each Mass, Catholics are sent out, sustained and prepared by the Liturgy to “Go and announce the Gospel of the Lord,” or “Go in peace, glorifying the Lord by your life.” Partaking of the Eucharist is just the start of our work to build the Kingdom …

Food has a way of bringing people together. When we cook family recipes or certain dishes for a holiday, it leads us to reminisce about those we love. For Kayla Axe, food enables her to get in touch with our larger, heavenly, Catholic family: the Communion of Saints. She finds …

Joy and humility. These words describe high school senior Lizzy Huwer, who discovered Christ during her freshman year at St. Henry High School in St. Henry, OH, and who now leads her peers to Him. It all started at a Life in the Spirit retreat. “It took a lot of …