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Chicago, Ill., Feb 9, 2020 / 04:26 pm MT (CNA).- In most stores in the weeks leading up to St. Valentine’s day, you’re likely to find a plethora of pink and red cards, heart-shaped boxes of Russell Stover chocolates, and decor with nearly-naked chubby cherubs shooting hearts with bows and …

[December 26, 2024] Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur in Ohio recently filled a reliquary with blood-soaked soil from the site of the murder of Sister Dorothy Stang, SNDdeN. Set to be installed in a Sanctuary of the New Martyrs in Rome, the relic represents the life and sacrifice of …

  A month before the 20th anniversary of her martyrdom, Sister Dorothy Stang, SNDdeN, will be honored by the Community of Sant’Egidio in Rome, Italy. At a public ceremony on January 10, 2025, Stang’s story will join those of martyred Christians from across the world at the Church of San …

For the new martyrs We pray that those who risk their lives for the Gospel in various parts of the world inflame the Church with their courage and missionary enthusiasm.

Blaise was a hard-working bishop dedicated to encouraging the spiritual and physical health of his people in Sebastea, Armenia. Although the Edict of Toleration which granted freedom of worship in the Roman empire had been signed five years prior, religious persecution still raged in the country. According to a legend, …

by Katie Yoder Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Dec 19, 2022 / 01:00 am A pro-life novena invites the faithful to ask for the intercession of the Holy Innocents — the baby boys who are, today, recognized as the first martyrs and as pro-life patron saints. While they did not know Jesus, they …

The Solemnity of All Saints is celebrated on the first of November. It was instituted to honour all of the saints, both known and unknown, and, according to Pope Urban IV, to supply any deficiencies in the faithful’s celebration of saints’ feasts during the year. In the early days of …

Also known as Canadian Martyrs; Isaac Jogues and Companions; Jesuit Martyrs of North America; Martyrs of New France. Memorial: 19 October; 26 September (Canada) The eight North American martyrs, also known as the Candian Martyrs, the Jesuit Martyrs of North America or the Martyrs of France, included six priests and …

On July 9 the Church celebrates the feast of the 120 Martyrs of China. Religious persecution has a long history in China, especially persecution of Christians, thousands of whom have died for their faith in the last millennium. On October 1, 2000, Pope John Paul II canonised 120 men, women, …

Saints Perpetua and Felicity were martyrs who died for the faith around the year 203. St. Perpetua was a young, well-educated, noblewoman and mother living in the city of Carthage in North Africa. Her mother was a Christian and her father was a pagan. In terms of her faith, Perpetua …