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December 29 – Saint Thomas Becket

St. Thomas was born in London, England around the year 1117. He was the son of pious parents, and his mother converted to Christianity through the example and teachings of his father. From his early youth, Thomas was educated in religion and holiness. After his childhood, Thomas was then taught …
December 28 – Holy Innocents

The Holy Innocents are the children mentioned in the gospel of Matthew, chapter 2:16-18. Herod, perceiving that he was deluded by the wise men, was exceeding angry, and sent his soldiers to kill all male children ages two and under that were in Bethlehem and on the boarders, according to …
June 11: Saint Barnabas, apostle

Catholics celebrate the memory of St. Barnabas on June 11. The apostle and missionary was among Christ’s earliest followers and was responsible for welcoming St. Paul into the Church. Though not one of the 12 apostles chosen by the Lord, Jesus, he is traditionally regarded as one of the 72 …
Teen martyred while protecting the Eucharist beatified in Spain

by Courtney Mares Rome Newsroom, Nov 8, 2020 / 05:15 am MT (CNA).- A 19-year-old Spanish martyr who gave his life while protecting the Eucharist was beatified Saturday at a Mass in the Sagrada Família Basilica in Barcelona. “Yesterday in Barcelona Joan Roig Diggle, a lay man and martyr killed …
Pope Francis will name Charles de Foucauld a saint. Who was he?

by Hannah Brockhaus Vatican City, May 27, 2020 / 08:30 am MT (CNA).- The Vatican announced Wednesday that Pope Francis has advanced the sainthood causes of 14 men and women, including Bl. Charles de Foucauld, a French missionary killed in Algeria in 1916. De Foucauld, also known as Brother Charles …
Man who killed Sister Dorothy Stang released from prison
By Lise Alves Catholic News Service SAO PAULO (CNS) — The man who confessed to killing a U.S.-born nun in 2005 in Brazil’s Amazon has been released from prison. Rayfran das Neves Sales, who served a little less than eight years of a 27-year sentence for shooting Sister Dorothy Stang, …
Su Casa, 5 individuals win Sister Stang Award

By John Stegeman & Eileen Connelly, OSU The Catholic Telegraph Named for a modern-day martyr, the Spirit of Sister Dorothy Stang Award is given to those in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati who exemplify love of the poor, and love of the Earth as Sister Dorothy did.