Posts Tagged
Margee Garbasch
Building Faith

Most graduating high school seniors don’t expect to be back at their alma mater anytime soon. That was not the case for Michaele “Mickey” Townsend, a 2018 graduate of DePaul Cristo Rey High School (DPCR) in Cincinnati, who returned to her alma mater to serve as the new Campus Minister. …
Salesian Guild to honor Garbsch; host Father Reese

The Salesian Guild of Catholic Communicators of Greater Cincinnati will host its 77th annual gathering via Zoom on Sunday, Jan. 24, honoring DePaul Cristo Rey Director of Communications and Marketing Margee Garbsch as Communicator of the Year. Garbsch’s career began at WKRC-TV in Cincinnati while still enrolled as a student …
DPCR Welcomes New President: Catholic High School Welcomes Siobhan Taylor to Lead School

by Margee Garbasch DePaul Cristo Rey High School (DPCR) begins a new academic year with a new president leading the school. DPCR’s Board of Directors and the Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati, sponsors of the school, have named Siobhan Taylor as DPCR’s second president. A Cincinnati native, Taylor is a …