Posts Tagged
Making Catholic Memories
Making Catholic Memories: St. Catherine of Sienna

Have you ever spent time thinking about your wedding ring? The deep meaning behind that circular band is so profound that, on the day we receive it, we are changed forever. We become one with the person from whom we received it, and through our marriage, we become witnesses of …
Making Catholic Memories: Saints Perpetua and Felicity

Married only six months, we learned we were expecting our first child, but were both working at low-paying jobs while searching for full-time careers. Of course, the news brought complete joy and overwhelming excitement! But we admit to feeling stress too. Thousands of questions ran through our minds as we …
January 20 – Saint Sebastian

Sebastian was the son of a wealthy Roman family. He was educated in Milan and became an officer of the imperial Roman army, and Captain of the Guard. He was a favorite of Emperor Diocletian. During Diocletian’s persecution of the Christians, Sebastian visited them in prison, bringing both supplies and …
Making Catholic Memories: Saint Sebastian’s Arrows.

Our children all have very different personalities. Some are quiet and shy; some are outgoing and goofy. But dress any of them in a costume and give them props, and suddenly, they take on the personality of that character – no matter who is watching! They become the fearless defender …
Making Catholic Memories: The Farmer who became Pope

Have you ever wanted to interview a saint? If you could, who would you choose? And how do you imagine the conversation? Would the saint be witty and sarcastic? Would he be quiet and serious? Would she hit you with so much conviction that you would change your life forever? …
Making Catholic Memories: St Barbara

If you will indulge us, we would like to start this article with a brief story. Once upon a time there lived a young girl whom her parents loved with all their hearts. She was taken from them, however, by an evil witch who wanted the young girl for herself. …
Writing Icons with Luke

Our youngest daughter, Agnes, loves books! Whenever she can, she will pick up a stack of picture books and take them to the couch. Then she’ll go grab her blanket, climb up on the couch, scooch in close to us and listen to story after story. Our saint this month, …
Making Catholic Memories: Heart of Sorrows

“Lie number one: You’re supposed to have it all together, and when they ask how you’re doing just smile and tell them, ‘Never better.’” These are the opening lyrics of “Truth Be Told,” a song written by Matthew West. His words ring true and familiar to many of us, similar …
Making Catholic Memories: St. Bernard Honey Lavender Cupcakes

My grandfather was well known in his small town. He was a farmer, a veteran WWII officer and a bus driver. There wasn’t a student in the Marion Local School District who didn’t know Bernard “Ben” Droesch. He had a gruff exterior and was known for his choice of words …
Making Catholic Memories: St. James Pilgrimage Cake

A few weeks ago, my family joined the Bicentennial Marian Pilgrimage that took place across the Archdiocese of Cincinnati throughout May and June. It was one of the most beautiful spiritual experiences of our lives. We walked, we laughed, we sang, we prayed and we got REALLY tired. All the …