Posts Tagged
Mabe Rodriguez
The Rosary Ladies: Teaching Students to Make Rosaries in Inner-City Schools

Imagine placing a rosary into the hands of a child eager to pray, especially a rosary they helped make. That’s exactly what CISE board members Louise Stakelin and Tricia Headley, along with donor Susie Castellini, are doing. Since the fall of 2019, more than 250 scholars at CISE schools received …
CISE grateful to many for rewriting the “Now”

by Cynthia Kenney For 40 years, Catholic Inner-city Schools Education (CISE) has been rewriting the futures of thousands of Cincinnati inner-city children. This year, all of us embrace this season of gratitude with extra gusto. Our small but mighty team, directed by Mabe Rodriquez, hit the ground running in March …
A Second Chance in Price Hill: Resurrection School Becomes Romero Academy at Resurrection

by Patricia McGeever This school year is anything but normal for students across the archdiocese. Masks are part of the new uniform and kids are forced to keep their distance from each other. For the students who attend one parish school in Price Hill, the changes are even greater. Their …
Back to School: Whatever the Future Holds, There is a Plan

by Sharon Civitello Community Support What will going back to school look like? Will young students keep a mask on all day if required? Will they stay six feet apart? Holy Family School Principal Katie Puthoff and school nurse Jessica Grover agree it can work if expectations are clear and …
40 Years of Inner-City School Success

by Joe Bride As Catholic Inner-city Schools Education (CISE) celebrates 40 years of transformational success, it is important to remember Cincinnati businesses were at the heart of CISE’s creation. In 1980, Cincinnati had a strong and viable downtown, more so than many American cities, but its downtown and neighborhoods were …
Annual CISE Campaign Reaches Historic Total

by Eileen Connelly, OSU When it’s an undeniably worthy cause that transforms the lives of urban children by providing them access to a strong Catholic education, people want to support it. That’s how Ted Torbeck, who cochaired the 2019 Catholic Inner-City Schools (CISE) campaign, along with his wife, Peggy, account …
Principal’s Efforts Draw More Students to CISE

By Joe Bride Folks who live and work in Cincinnati’s Over-the-Rhine neighborhood know school is in full blast when they spot the six-foot, seven-inch frame of Halsey Mabry roaming the neighborhood streets. It is something he has been doing for years. Mabry is the principal of St. Francis Seraph School …
Partnership Keeps Price Hill School Open

by Joe Bride A dynamic new partnership between the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, Catholic Inner-City, Schools Education Fund (CISE) and Seton Education Partners will ensure the continued operation of Resurrection School in Price Hill. While Resurrection has been a CISE supported school for just under 200 students, the changing nature of …
Bushelman Remembered for Dedication to CISE and Education

A week before he passed away in late June, Peter Bushelman made a very special request: that the Friends of CISE (Catholic Inner-City Schools Education Fund) Raffle he chaired for 37 years would continue. Held each December, the raffle raises more than $120,000 annually to help transform the lives of …