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Chicago, Ill., Feb 9, 2020 / 04:26 pm MT (CNA).- In most stores in the weeks leading up to St. Valentine’s day, you’re likely to find a plethora of pink and red cards, heart-shaped boxes of Russell Stover chocolates, and decor with nearly-naked chubby cherubs shooting hearts with bows and …

As a theology major, I earned my degree turning thousands of pages of spiritual reading—saints’ reflections, papal documents and biblical analysis. I remember highlighting lines that pierced my heart; whole paragraphs of intricate wording that went right to my soul. There is no end in the Faith to the number …

Jesus challenges us in the Gospels to “love your neighbor as yourself.” But what if you struggle to love yourself? How can we pour ourselves out for others if we are not first filled up?

What if we were to make all our decisions solely based on how we felt in the moment? You may be familiar with the four types of love: eros (love of desire), storge (love of affection), philia (love of friendship), and agape (self-giving love). While each of these forms of …

by CNA Staff CNA Staff, Feb 2, 2021 / 08:00 am MT (CNA).- An international group of Catholic academics has launched an ambitious new project to proclaim the “truth of love” to 21st-century society. The founders of the Veritas Amoris Project include Fr. José Granados, the superior general of the …

What do you think of when you hear the phrase, “Love the sinner, hate the sin”?

Father Mike introduces us to the virtue that makes other virtues excellent: magnanimity. If someone asked you what the most essential virtues are, you might say humility, faith, hope, or love. But have you ever heard of the virtue of magnanimity? What this virtue does is it magnifies—or makes greater—other …

CNA Staff, Oct 2, 2020 / 12:00 am MT (CNA).- Famed Italian opera singer Andrea Bocelli will release an album based upon the virtues of faith, hope, and charity, after the singer drew praise from many Catholics for an Easter Sunday concert livestreamed from Santa Maria Nascente Cathedral in Milan …

CNA Staff, Jul 23, 2020 / 12:30 pm MT (CNA).- Leading U.S. bishops have released a joint statement on Wednesday, July 22, responding to the recent spate of vandalism against Catholic churches across the United States. “In the last few weeks, we have witnessed, among other things, one church rammed …

What will people remember about you after you die? The 2000 film Cast Away tells the story of FedEx employee Chuck Noland, who washes up on an uninhabited island after his plane crashes somewhere in the Pacific Ocean. After four years of isolation, he is rescued and finds himself on …