Posts Tagged
Little Sisters of the Poor
Everyday Evangelist: ‘Grand’ legacy kept alive at St. Paul’s Archbishop Leibold Home

Most of us want to leave a legacy — a memorial of sorts, large or small, recognizing our lives on Earth and contributions we made. Mike Ibold Wilger’s legacy is grand. A piece of his life’s mission to the less fortunate brings smiles and laughter, dancing and singing, joy and …
“Rock a Thon” for Little Sisters of the Poor
The Little Sisters of the Poor of Cincinnati need rockers for their three-hour fundraising “rock-a-thon”– residents of the Archbishop Leibold St. Paul’s Home and friends will rock on rocking chairs for one to three hours in return for sponsorship. Volunteer to rock, come to support the rockers, or pledge to support …
Throwback Thursday: Archbishop Leibold Home dedicated 40 years ago

Just more than 40 years ago, the Little Sisters of the Poor, appeared on page 12 of The Catholic Telegraph in a story about the dedication of the Archbishop Leibold Home for the Aged. That photo marks today’s #ThrowbackThursday. Pictured at a microphone is Mother Cecilia de St. Georges, then provincial superior …
U.S. Supreme Court sends Zubik case back to lower courts

WASHINGTON (CNS) — The U.S. Supreme Court May 16 sent the Zubick v. Burwell case, which challenges the Affordable Care Act’s contraceptive requirement for employers, back to the lower courts. The justices’ unanimous decision, explained in a nine-page order, was based on the information that both sides submitted a week …
Little Sisters to Highest Court: ‘Protect Our Ministry’

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Late Monday, the Little Sisters of the Poor, a group of Roman Catholic nuns who care for the elderly poor, urged the Supreme Court to protect them from $70 million dollars in government fines for refusing to violate their Catholic faith. This is the second time the Sisters have been forced to …
Throwback Thursday: Sisters of the Poor rich in… elephants?

Staff Report The generosity of the faithful is constantly on display in this archdiocese. The Catholic Ministries Appeal and the One Faith, One Hope, One Love capital campaign are shining examples of how giving local Catholics can be to the archdiocese, but they’re just as generous to the religious orders …
Court rules against Little Sisters plea to avoid way to bypass mandate

By Catholic News Service DENVER — The Little Sisters of the Poor and other religious entities are not substantially burdened by procedures set out by the federal government by which they can avoid a requirement to provide contraceptive coverage in health insurance, the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled July …
Little Sisters in court: Don’t stop our ministry of serving the dying poor
By Mary Rezac CNA/EWTN News DENVER, Colo. — The Little Sisters of the Poor asked an appeals court Monday to shield them from the federal contraception mandate, saying that it threatens their 175 years of service to the poor and dying. “As Little Sisters of the Poor, we offer the …
Archbishop Emeritus Daniel Pilarczyk turns 80 August 12

By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph With the use of a walker, and a helper at the ready, Archbishop Emeritus Daniel E. Pilarczyk made his way down the fourth-floor hallway at the Little Sisters of the Poor St. Paul’s Archbishop Leibold Home for the Aged. Despite suffering the effects of …
Special Mass, dinner mark World Day for Consecrated Life

Staff Report For many years now in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, the Little Sisters of the Poor have invited women religious in Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky to come together at the their home to celebrate World Day for Consecrated Life on Feb. 2. This year, Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr presided …