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Lisa Fletcher

At Mount Notre Dame High School (MND), the legacy of Sister Dorothy Stang, SNDdeN, is more than a chapter in history—it’s a call to action that shapes the school’s mission and inspires its students. Through a close partnership with her religious community, the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, her …

Walk into a Sunday night Candlelight Mass at St. Monica- St. George Church in Cincinnati, and you know you are a part of something special. As the light flickers across the adorned walls, and contemporary praise and worship music reverberate throughout the almost 100-year- old church, you find both parishioners …

The Catholic campus ministry program at Wright State University (WSU), Raider Catholic, understands that college is the time in a young adult’s life when they are most willing to challenge their own worldview and pursue truth. “I think something particularly beautiful about college students is that they are usually searching …

The archdiocese plans to bring our next generation face- to-face with Jesus Christ: the new Live Vertical program will guide teens to Christ, working with campus ministers and Catholic high school staff to build a structure for transformative and long-term evangelization. “I believe that our students need to personally know …

Like many college freshmen, Miami University student Ben Breunig felt he didn’t fit in. Lonely, the Louisville native, raised Catholic, said he was about to leave when, on a whim, he attended Mass at St. Mary Church in Oxford. After that, everything in Breunig’s life changed. “I had never prioritized …

The Catholic Church’s great tradition of sacred music can be found right here in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. From well-known favorites like Mozart’s Requiem and Handel’s Messiah, to lesser-known Peruvian baroque and plainchant by 14th-century nuns, the St. Gertrude Sacred Music Series is sure to amaze its listeners. “You will …

Providing an opportunity for his parishioners to experience the beauty of the National Eucharistic Congress (NEC) was vitally important to Father Matthew Robben, pastor at Family of the Most Holy Eucharist on Cincinnati’s west side. Many members of his churches (St. Antoninus, St. Aloysius Gonzaga, Our Lady of Lourdes, St. …

One very excited group of Catholic educators from the archdiocese pilgrimaged to the heart of Italy in June. There, they learned more about our Catholic faith, grew in community with their colleagues and took a little time to simply enjoy “la dolce vita”—the good life. “This experience was, without a …

In a quaint café on the cobblestone streets just outside Vatican City, Cody Egner and his wife, Angela, sat at a table mapping out a vision that soon impacted over a thousand Catholics in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. During that 2015 lunch, the couple expressed their desire to share Rome’s …

by Lisa Fletcher It takes a village to raise a Family—of Parishes. The head of that village is the pastor, who, through the Beacons of Light transition, was given the responsibility of care and leadership of his parishes. As Father Martin Fox, pastor of St. John Paul II Family of …