Posts Tagged
Lenten retreat
Lenten Reflections 2020

This year The Catholic Telegraph has reached out to those that work with Youth and Young Adult Ministries, as well as Young Adults throughout the Archdiocese for our 2020 Lenten Reflections. Thank you for reading The Catholic Telegraph’s Lenten Reflections. This same team are providing Easter Reflections, which can be …
Today’s Video: a Lenten Study in How to Live This Lent for Others

Father Mike Schmitz: Lent is about transformation, but that transformation will be incomplete if we make it about ourselves. Instead of aiming for self-mastery alone this Lent, what is the key to living this Lent for others? Discipline is great, but there’s a step after that: being generous. Asking God …
Catholic at Home: Four Tips to Make Your Lent Fruitful

The beginning of Lent feels like the New Year – it’s a clean slate paired with a handful of resolutions and a heart full of hope that this is THE year. I’m going to stick with my Lenten sacrifices so when Easter shines in 40+ days, I’ll be beaming with …
Carmelite draws from life of Elijah for pope, Curia’s Lenten retreat
By Laura Ieraci Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — The Lenten journey of conversion requires Christians to rediscover the “deepest truth” about themselves, cast off their masks and take on the courage to live truth, a prominent Carmelite priest told the pope and Vatican officials. In the first days of …
Spend a year with Thomas Merton
Friday, February 12, 2010 CATHEDRAL DEANERY — St. Monica-St. George Parish Newman Center’s “Year with Thomas Merton” continues in February with a Lenten retreat led by Jonathan Montaldo. “Becoming Communities of Forgiveness: Thomas Merton’s Teaching on Living in Contemplative Relationships” will take place in the parish center on Friday, Feb. …