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How to Question Your Faith Well

The Catholic Church loves questions, but are we asking them for the right reasons? One of our Doctors of the Church, St. Thomas Aquinas, is known for asking the hardest questions we have for our faith. His summa is a book full of them, and some of the greatest saints …
Scholar: Paper books essential for kids’ developing brains

CNA Staff, Dec 3, 2020 / 11:00 am MT (CNA).- A Catholic scholar who specializes in dyslexia has warned that children must be exposed to physical books – and not just screens – if they are to develop the skills necessary for analysis and in-depth thinking. Maryanne Wolf was featured …
UD’s Osher Institute offers opportunities for enrichment, fun
May 6, 2009 By Eileen Connelly, OSU DAYTON DEANERY — When Bob O’Connor retired from the corporate world in 1994, he found himself seeking opportunities to further expand his horizons, challenge his mind and meet new people. He has found those opportunities through the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at …