Posts Tagged
Kurt Ruffing
Elder High School opened Doors in 1922

Elder High School, the oldest high school in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, has been a mainstay of Price Hill for nearly 100 years. The school, which has more than 22,000 alumni, will celebrate its 100th graduating class in 2022. The high school began when parishioners of St. Lawrence Parish in …
Elder and St. X use February incident to teach sportsmanship, respect

By Eileen Connelly, OSU Administrators, faculty, and students at two area high schools are moving forward and using the racial slurs shouted during a February basketball game as a teachable moment. The incident involved students from Elder High School’s cheering section taunting St. Xavier athletes. In addition to …
Elder mourns beloved teacher Mark Klusman

By Patricia McGeever He was hard to miss, that tall, lanky man with the shoulder-length gray hair and beard. Mark Klusman stood out, though he preferred to stand in the background. He graduated from Elder High School then returned a few years later to teach. He was in his 51st …
Elder High School announces Kurt Ruffing as new principal

Elder High School held a special event Monday afternoon to announce the school’s newest principal, Kurt Ruffing. Ruffing will replace Tom Otten who has served as principal for the last 19 years. The Archdiocese of Cincinnati distributed the following release in concert with the announcement. The Elder Board of Trustees is …