Posts Tagged
Knights of Columbus
‘Let Michael be the miracle’ – The baby healed through Fr. McGivney’s prayers

by Christine Rousselle Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Oct 30, 2020 / 10:20 am MT (CNA).- Fr. Michael McGivney, founder of the Knights of Columbus, will be beatified Oct. 31. This is the story of the miracle attributed to his prayers. Catholics have a whole host of saints to choose from in …
Ahead of beatification, priests reflect on McGivney’s priesthood, and the miracle he prayed for

by Christine Rousselle New Haven, Conn., Oct 30, 2020 / 09:50 pm MT (CNA).- A prayer vigil for priests on the eve of the beatification of Ven. Michael McGivney took place Friday, October 30, at St. Mary’s Church in New Haven, the parish where McGivney served as a priest and …
Live: Beatification of Father Michael McGivney, Saturday October 31, 10:00 a.m.

Live coverage begins Friday, October 30th at 6:30PM ET This new documentary explores the life, legacy and impact of Fr. Michael McGivney, the founder of the Knights of Columbus and apostle of spiritual brotherhood and unity.
Named for Father Michael McGivney, Catholic high school eager to celebrate beatification

by Kevin Jones Denver Newsroom, Oct 25, 2020 / 04:04 pm MT (CNA).- The upcoming beatification of American priest Father Michael McGivney is a time for celebration and reflection for southern Illinois’ Father McGivney Catholic High School, named for the founder of the Knights of Columbus who lived a life …
Knights of Columbus announce novena ahead of founder’s beatification

CNA Staff, Oct 22, 2020 / 07:00 pm MT (CNA).- The Knights of Columbus has launched a nine-day novena to prepare for the beatification of the organization’s founder, Fr. Michael McGivney, at the end of the month. The novena starts October 22 and continues through October 30, the eve of …
Knights of Columbus organize novena for Respect Life Month

CNA Staff, Sep 24, 2020 / 11:01 am MT (CNA).- The Knights of Columbus announced Tuesday a “Novena for the Cause of Life” as part of Respect Life Month, observed in October. The novena will take place Oct. 4-12. Each day of the novena will include a decade of the …
After Hurricane Laura, Knights of Columbus pledge aid to Louisiana diocese

CNA Staff, Aug 31, 2020 / 10:30 am MT (CNA).- The Knights of Columbus have pledged to donate $150,000 to a Louisiana diocese badly hit by Hurricane Laura. On Friday, the Catholic fraternal organization announced they would send assistance to the Diocese of Lake Charles, Louisiana, which suffered extensive damage …
Knights of Columbus donating $250,000 after Beirut explosion

CNA Staff, Aug 26, 2020 / 12:26 am MT (CNA).- The Knights of Columbus is donating $250,000 to aid relief efforts following a massive explosion in Beirut earlier this month. The donation includes funds for Caritas Lebanon, the St. Vincent de Paul Society, Telelumiere/Noursat Christian Television in the Middle East, …
KofC says ‘under God’ in flag pledge represents ‘fundamental American belief’

CNA Staff, Aug 20, 2020 / 05:35 pm MT (CNA).- After some caucus meetings at the Democratic National Convention omitted the words “under God” from the Pledge of Allegiance, the Knights of Columbus told CNA the words represent a fundamental American belief, and said the group is proud of its …
Supporting Seminarians: Endowment Paints Bright Future for Northern Archdiocese

by Kary Ellen Barger Supporting seminarians for years to come: A gift established into an endowment will make that possible for several seminarians. A family from the northern part of the archdiocese, who wished to remain anonymous, established the fund. Their parents, prior to their passing, asked their children to …