Posts Tagged
Knights of Columbus
Knights of Columbus highlight charitable work, faith formation at annual meeting

by Jonah McKeown Hartford, Conn., Aug 3, 2021 / 19:55 pm Patrick Kelly, the Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus, highlighted the group’s charitable work amid the COVID-19 pandemic, announced plans to support faith formation initiatives, and lauded the group’s newly-beatified founder in a speech Tuesday. “Make no mistake: …
Knights of Columbus disappointed by advancement of funding bill without Hyde Amendment

by CNA Staff Hartford, Conn., Jul 15, 2021 / 18:19 pm The Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus on Thursday registered his sorrow at the advancement by the appropriations committee of the US House of Representatives of a funding bill without including the usual prohibitions on abortion funding. According …
fostering a community spirit

Pictures of ladies at church bazaars and Knights of Columbus marching in a parade are common images of Catholic life. Through the centuries, parishes and local communities have created groups to enliven the faith life of its members. With the influx of immigrants in the 19th Century, parishes grew quickly. …
How Did Catholics Get ‘Under God’ into the Pledge of Allegiance?

by Katie Yoder Washington D.C., Jul 5, 2021 / 07:00 am The Pledge of Allegiance didn’t always include the words “under God.” When it was first composed, the pledge made no reference to God at all. Instead, in 1893, Americans recited “. . . one nation indivisible, with liberty and …
Archbishop Lori: Knights of Columbus must be at the forefront of Eucharistic renewal

by CNA Staff Washington D.C., Jun 11, 2021 / 16:03 pm Archbishop William Lori of Baltimore, Supreme Chaplain of the Knights of Columbus, called on the Knights not only to “support” but also to “be in the forefront” of a national Eucharistic Revival project to be presented to the U.S. …
Knights of Columbus elect Patrick Kelly next Supreme Knight

by CNA Staff Denver Newsroom, Feb 5, 2021 / 03:50 pm MT (CNA).- Patrick E. Kelly will be the next Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus, the largest Catholic men’s fraternity in the world. He succeeds outgoing Supreme Knight Carl A. Anderson, who stressed Kelly’s diplomatic and military background …
Knights of Columbus affirm Archbishop Gomez’ ‘balanced and prophetic statement’ on inauguration

CNA Staff, Jan 20, 2021 / 03:51 pm MT (CNA).- The head of the Knights of Columbus on Wednesday expressed gratitude for the “balanced and prophetic” statement issued by the US bishops’ conference on the presidential inauguration of Joe Biden. Supreme Knight Carl Anderson said Jan. 20 that the Knights …
Coney Island parish replaces vandalized Mary statue

CNA Staff, Dec 16, 2020 / 12:50 am MT (CNA).- The Diocese of Brooklyn, New York, last weekend unveiled a new statue of the Blessed Mother, after a previous statue was destroyed more than two months ago. A new statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe was dedicated on Dec. 12 …
The 2021 Warriors to Lourdes Pilgrimage; expenses covered for veterans

The dates for the Warriors to Lourdes Pilgrimage are 18-25 May, 2021 with the International Military Pilgrimage taking place 21-23 May, 2021. Applications for the 2021 pilgrimage are now available HERE. The theme of the 62nd PMI is Pacem Meam do Vobis – My peace I give unto you. The …
Fr. Michael McGivney, ‘holy priest’ and Knights of Columbus founder, beatified

by Christine Rousselle Hartford, Conn., Oct 31, 2020 / 12:30 pm MT (CNA).- Fr. Michael McGivney, founder of the Knights of Columbus, was beatified October 31, at the Cathedral of St. Joseph in Hartford, Connecticut. He will now be known as “Blessed Michael McGivney” and his feast day will be …