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Bottles of bourbon signed by Pope Francis expected to fetch up to $20,000 for charity

By Daniel Payne CNA Staff, Nov 21, 2024 / 16:20 pm Two bottles of rare bourbon signed by Pope Francis are projected to net up to $20,000 for several Kentucky charities. Father Jim Sichko, a priest in the Diocese of Lexington, Kentucky, and a papal Missionary of Mercy, told CNA that the …
Election News: Pro-life amendment fails in Kentucky, news outlet projects

by Katie Yoder Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Nov 8, 2022 / 22:11 pm A pro-life amendment offering protections for the unborn in Kentucky has failed, a local NBC affiliate in that state projected Tuesday night. Voters did not support a ballot measure called Amendment 2 that would have amended the state …
USCCB President and Committee Chairman Call for Prayers, Hope, and Assistance Following Deadly Tornadoes in the South and Midwest

WASHINGTON – Archbishop José H. Gomez of Los Angeles, president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, and Archbishop Paul S. Coakley of Oklahoma City, chairman of the Committee on Domestic Justice and Human Development, have issued the following statement after tornadoes tore through multiple states in the South and …
Prayer for December 11 Tornado Outreak

Compassionate Lord, we pray for those who have been devastated by today’s devastating tornado outbreak in Arkansas, Tennessee, Missouri and Kentucky. We remember those who have lost their lives so suddenly. We hold in our hearts the families forever changed by grief and loss. Bring them consolation and comfort. Surround …
Job Openings: St. James Catholic School, Elizabethtown KY

ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL Opening: Assistant Principal for the 2021-2022 school year Parish/School: Saint James Catholic School, Elizabethtown, KY Description: Candidates should value and understand the mission and philosophy of Catholic education, demonstrate strong communication, collaboration and leadership skills and hold a valid Kentucky Teaching certificate in leadership or education. Preference will …
Kentucky bishops applaud passage of school choice bill

by Kate Scanlon Washington D.C., Mar 30, 2021 / 03:00 pm MT (CNA).- Kentucky lawmakers voted Monday evening to override Gov. Andy Beshear’s veto of school choice legislation. Both the state’s House and Senate voted to override Beshear’s veto of House Bill 563, which would use tax credits to fund …
Kentucky Catholic Conference praises school choice law
by Christine Rousselle Washington D.C., Mar 18, 2021 / 04:00 pm MT (CNA).- The Catholic Conference of Kentucky is pleased with the recent passage of a school choice bill in the commonwealth. House Bill 563 would create a tax credit scholarship fund for certain Kentucky students, called an education opportunity …
Pro-lifers pleasantly surprised at Kentucky’s enactment of ‘Born-Alive’ bill

Washington, D.C. Newsroom, Jan 25, 2021 / 11:45 am MT (CNA).- A Kentucky bill requiring appropriate medical care for babies surviving attempted abortions became law on Friday. Gov. Andy Bashear (D) neither signed nor vetoed the “Born-Alive” bill that passed the state legislature. The bill, SB9, requires that infants who …
Citing timing, SCOTUS declines to allow in-person learning to resume in Kentucky

CNA Staff, Dec 18, 2020 / 05:01 pm MT (CNA).- The Supreme Court on Thursday rejected a Kentucky Christian school’s plea to reopen for in-person learning, upholding a health order from the governor that barred in-person K-12 education in most areas until January. Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear’s Nov. 18 executive …
US Supreme Court urged to protect KY religious schools from shutdown

CNA Staff, Dec 7, 2020 / 04:37 pm MT (CNA).- An order shuttering in-person education until Jan. 4 in Kentucky amid rising COVID-19 cases amounts to religious discrimination, the US Supreme Court has been told in amici curiae briefs. Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear (D) temporarily halted in-person learning in the …