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Ken Oliver-Méndez

By Kate Quiñones, Ken Oliver-Méndez CNA Staff, Aug 8, 2024 / 06:00 am Two recently launched advertising campaigns illustrate part of the epic clash between the culture of life and the culture of death taking place in this year’s U.S. elections. Students for Life of America (SFLA), a group that trains and …

By Ken Oliver-Méndez Milwaukee, Wis., Jul 18, 2024 / 09:15 am Acknowledgement of the supernatural is off the charts at this year’s Republican National Convention in the wake of former U.S. president Donald Trump’s harrowingly narrow escape from an assassination attempt. Invoking the presence and blessing of the Author of Life, …

By Abel Camasca, Ken Oliver-Méndez CNA Newsroom, May 3, 2024 / 13:45 pm World Press Freedom Day is celebrated every May 3, drawing attention to the importance of free and independent news media. Among modern-day saints, there is a journalist-priest who suffered martyrdom by the Nazis for his work in Catholic media: …