Posts Tagged
Katie Sciba
Catholic at Home: Show the World: Children are Blessings! by Katie Sciba

We go through our pep talk every time I take the kids out. “What do we need to show the world?!” I shout to the back of the van. Then comes their battle cry, “That children are blessings!” A couple years ago, I started telling my sweet kids that even …
Catholic at Home: by Katie Sciba

Some Christmas mornings I wake up feeling spiritually underwhelmed. I don’t feel the holy wonder at the miracle of God being born upon Earth but instead feel disappointment in my own lack of real, faithful preparation for the Nativity. The previous weeks were spent fretting over decorating and shopping and …
Catholic at Home: Prepare Now for What Comes Next

I attended a funeral a couple months ago. The dear lady who passed away was 90 and she clearly had been treasured by the large number of family and friends present. Between the grief among the congregation and my close proximity to the casket during Mass, the reality of death …
Catholic at Home: Go Home and Change the World

October is Respect Life Month, a celebration and call-to-arms compelling Catholics to “renew their personal commitment to defend human life” (USCCB). The idea itself brings to mind the unborn and those sentenced to death as well as those who are dying; and while these are some of the most vulnerable, …
On the Front Lines of the Pro-Life Movement: Sidewalk Advocates for Life

Respect Life Month is an annual resurgence for the pro-life movement. Each year renews prayer campaigns, focused Mass intentions, and an increased presence of pro-lifers on the sidewalk. Called to stand and face the evil of abortion, many feel the urge to speak, but few know how to effectively change …
Church at Home: by Katie Sciba Verso l’Alto with Kids in Tow

There’s nothing on Earth like being in Sunday Mass. After sliding into the pew and getting settled with my family, I’m sure that, right there and then, I’m right where the Lord wants us to be. As a mom of five kids ranging from 2 to 9 years old, my …