Posts Tagged
Katie Sciba

Christmas is drawing to a close and with it the months-long holiday season. I admit that though I miss Thanksgiving, the joyful anticipation of Advent and the blessed Christmas season, my childlike giddiness lingers into January because it brings my birthday – and I absolutely love my birthday. Balloons, my …
Catholic At Home: Waiting for Hope

I traveled to Iceland in August. After years of wishing, planning and saving, I was at last on board a 757 headed east to Reykjavik, to start a six-day solo trip across the Icelandic south coast. During my years of preparation, the trip became a beacon of hope. When overwhelmed …
Catholic at Home: Giving Advent it’s due

Five years ago my husband, and I began to make concerted efforts toward celebrating Advent and waiting for the liturgical Christmas season to deck the halls and hang stockings with care. Truly waiting cultivated my sense of liturgical seasons, and on a superficial level, I found I wasn’t done by …
Catholic at Home: Prepare for a more Soulful Thanksgiving

We go around the table every year: “I’m grateful for my family and friends,” somebody says. “I’m grateful for pie,” one child pipes up. Thinking ahead to my turn, I want to voice something that’s heartfelt and unique, but, most years, I realize that I’ve done little reflection on the …
Your Spouse as a Cross?

My husband and I shuffled our kids into the pew Sunday morning and listened to a gospel we had heard dozens of times before: Then Jesus told His disciples, “If any man would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me. For whoever …
Hope and Healing for Infertile Couples

This month brings a new event designed to minister to couples suffering from infertility. On Oct. 16, the archdiocese will host its first St. Gerard Morning of Reflection for Infertile Couples at St. Ignatius Loyola Parish on the West Side of Cincinnati. The morning is made to lovingly receive couples …
Moving Forward After Miscarriage

I remember seeing the small plus sign on my pregnancy test, and a smile spread across my face. Stepping out into the buzzing activity of our home, I held up the test for Andrew to see. He was late on his way out the door to an evening meeting and …
Catholic at Home: Running on Fumes

The alarm I rarely hear went off. My husband Andrew and I agreed to rise early to “parallel pray” before the day got going. I felt his nudge, “Time to wake up.” In mornings prior, I intended to wake up early to pray, but ultimately discerned that Jesus must want …
Asking for Help

“So what do you think you can do before our next session that would help your relationship?” I stared blankly at our therapist. My husband and I had just spent the last hour revealing pains and sores in our marriage. She had already asked Andrew this question and now turned …
First Lessons in Faith

From the initial moments of life until death, children pay close attention to their parents’ attitudes, approaches and passions. They take on our personality traits and values not by formal instruction, but from just watching us. Our kids will learn how important faith is according to how we live it. …