Posts Tagged
June 2024
Book Review: Popcorn with the Pope

Popcorn with the Pope: A Guide to the Vatican Film List provides exactly what the subtitle suggests: an eclectic collection of movies created in March of 1995 by Pope St. John Paul II. A great lover of the arts, in explaining his rationale for the list, he wrote: Since the …
Seek the Lord for June 2024

“Do this in memory of me.” Jesus first spoke these words to His disciples as they gathered with Him in the Upper Room to eat the Passover meal on the eve of His Passion. He continues to speak these words to us at every Mass, at the end of the …
The Struggle to Pray

Recently, my daughter and I spent the day together. We were having a great day, but I had this nagging anxiety nipping away at my ability to be fully present to her. Struggling to not cave into despair, we left the house to drive around. A curious thing happened. New …
Discerning the Possibilities; Elder High School Student Prioritizes God’s Will

Discerning God’s call for us, be it to the priesthood, a religious community, marriage or single life, is truly a journey of faith. Nick Hinkel, completing his junior year at Elder High School, has embraced that journey with a desire to deepen his own spirituality, as well as provide opportunities …
Having a Family in the World, Not of It

There’s nothing mainstream about the Christian life. Our culture indulges in sexuality, gluttony, moral relativism and self- servitude, without giving much of a glance to its own inherent dignity and worth. Society loves stuff and uses people instead of the other way around, and success is often gauged by dollars …
Catholic Rural Life; A Special Place in the Church and World

For 100 years, Catholic Rural Life has promoted Catholicism throughout rural areas of the U.S. While the ministry is based in Minnesota, there are religious order men and women supporting this integral mission in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. Sister Christine Pratt, with the Ursulines of Brown County, has been a …
24-Hour Adoration Chapel

Many members of the St. Henry Family of Parishes thought it was a monumental goal: Adoration at St. Wendelin Church five days a week, including through the night. The goal sprang from a difficulty—the reduction of scheduled Masses in the Family of Parishes made St. Wendelin one of two churches …
Divine Seeing: Praying with Sacred Art

In a world oversaturated with visual content, we can become so desensitized to images that slowing down to fully appreciate art becomes a daunting task. Many people breeze through museums, galleries and churches, missing opportunities to not only engage with art, but also embrace a profound tool for connecting with …
Pope Francis Prayer Intentions for June 2024

For migrants fleeing their homes We pray that migrants fleeing from war or hunger, forced to undertake journeys full of danger and violence, find welcome and new opportunities in the countries that receive them.
The Ancestral Name Game

Names are a significant part of an individual’s identity, embodying personality, religious and cultural roots, and family background. Naming is one of the great privileges given to Adam in the Garden of Eden. “Genesis” means “beginning.” The first book of the Bible is a book of origins, and there are …