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June 2021 Bicentennial Edition
Sister Blandina Segale; Legendary Sister of Charity

Holy, heroic, brave and bold: all words that describe the Sister of Charity of Cincinnati who could become Cincinnati’s first saint. Servant of God Sister Blandina Segale spent most of her life in Cincinnati but the Archdiocese of Santa Fe claims her as its own, too, and took the action …
Serving the Forgotten

On a cool, clear autumn morning, Comboni Father Edward Mason arrived in the port of New York on Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 23, 1939. Behind him, Europe was fighting a brutal, bitter war. Ahead lay the exciting challenge of establishing a Comboni Missionary community, searching for vocations and seeking support for …
An interview with the Diocese’s First Bishop: Bishop Edward Fenwick

Bishop Fenwick, how did you feel when you were ordained Bishop of Cincinnati? A dept of unspeakable gratitude calls me to the feet of the Most Holy Father at this time. While I am at a loss for words, Most Eminent Father and Patron, do you supply by reason of …
Slavery: A Moral Virus

The following is a modified version of an article written by Father Earl Fernandes for The Catholic Telegraph in Feb. 2011. The U.S. has a rich history of freedom. Still, every nation’s history is filled with shadows and light; great evils have been tolerated and even perpetuated. This year marks …
Cincinnati’s First Parish: Christ Church

The following is an excerpt from A Bicentennial History of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati: The Catholic Church in Southwest Ohio, 1821-2021 by Fr. David J. Endres. A group of four German Catholic families arrived in Cincinnati in 1817 as part of a coordinated migration. Perhaps only by coincidence, by the …
A Question of Faith: Who’s buried in Purcell’s Tomb

Where is Archbishop Purcell buried? I have heard that he might not have been buried in the grave bearing his name. There is an old riddle: “Who’s buried in Grant’s tomb?” The answer could be “no one” (since his body, strictly speaking, remains entombed above ground in a mausoleum). We …
St Michael Parish Breathes New Life Into Community

At a time when Mass attendance all over the world is down due to the pandemic, St. Michael Parish in Fort Loramie has drawn people back to church and infused new life into its community. The secret: modifications to its worship space and offering parishioners a piece of the church’s …
A Closer Look: Mount Saint Mary’s Seminary, Legacy, Promise, and Hope

by Dr. Kenneth Craycraft While the Archdiocese of Cincinnati celebrates its bicentennial in 2021, Mount St. Mary’s Seminary & School of Theology, founded in 1829, will have to wait a few more years. Nonetheless, the milestone anniversary of the archdiocese is an appropriate time to consider the past legacy, present …
Elder High School opened Doors in 1922

Elder High School, the oldest high school in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, has been a mainstay of Price Hill for nearly 100 years. The school, which has more than 22,000 alumni, will celebrate its 100th graduating class in 2022. The high school began when parishioners of St. Lawrence Parish in …