Posts Tagged
June 2013
Area parishioners consecrated to Mary
By Eileen Connelly, OSU The Catholic Telegraph We’re all called to be saints and who better to emulate than the Blessed Mother. Members of St. Peter in Chains in Hamilton and St. Columbkille in Wilmington recently participated in a 33-day long Marian retreat geared toward spiritual renewal and drawing closer …
Lydia’s House Blessing Prepares a Home for Women and Children in Crisis
Press Release Inspired by the hospitality of St. Lydia and the work of Dorothy Day, a new Catholic Worker home is being prepared for homeless women and their children. On May 5, an open house and ecumenical blessing was held at the property, 2024 Mills Ave in Norwood, acquired by …
La Salle works to cope after tragedy; School inundated with support [Gallery]

By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph Mankind has no choice on whether or not to face tragedy. A human life will always include suffering. Each person, however, and each community has a choice when faced with difficult times. They can let the tragedy define them, or they can let their …
Faith can still flourish during the summer
The dog days of summer are hitting, fast. School is out, vacations are happening, The pace of life seems to slow down. Even in the Church, there are a few important feasts that are celebrated throughout the summer months, but we begin our long, slow slog through Ordinary Time with …
Q&A: Do people like Dr. Kermit Gosnell deserve the death penalty?
Dear Father: My faith is challenged. I have heard Church teaching on the death penalty but struggle to believe that some don’t deserve it. Shouldn’t someone like Dr. Kermit Gosnell receive the death penalty? Dear Reader: Our faith is sometimes challenged in the face of unspeakable crimes against humanity like …
Su Casa Hispanic Center hosts awards dinner
By Patricia McGeever For The Catholic Telegraph Adapting to a new culture and lifestyle can be difficult, especially if there is a language barrier. One organization and three individuals who help immigrants navigate their way to self-sufficiency as they settle down in the Cincinnati area were recently honored for all …
The multiple presences of Christ keep me Catholic
First Communion Sunday. It had been anticipated in our house for some months. Of course, there were the preparations at school. These culminated one evening where a dinner was held during which the story of Israel’s Passover from slavery into freedom was connected with Jesus’ Last Supper at which the …
Father Farris concludes tenure as Roger Bacon president
By Eileen Connelly, OSU The Catholic Telegraph Always open to God’s call and ready to embrace the blessings that lie ahead, Franciscan Father Bill Farris will bid a fond farewell to Roger Bacon High School as he concludes 12 years as its first president at the end of the school …
Change is part of life, even if not everyone likes it
Rather than detail the changes and the timing of the changes coming this summer for our The Catholic Telegraph readers, we’re going to wait for you to tell us what you see. When I became editor of one small city newspaper, I decided to streamline the TV guide. The TV …
Superintendent addresses Common Core concerns
Dear readers, There has been a lot of conversation lately about the Common Core, a prevalent educational movement in the United States. The Common Core clearly seems to have caught the attention of many people in southwest Ohio; the topic comes up frequently when I speak to parents and Catholic …