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Oldenburg Franciscan Sisters Celebrate Jubilee

The Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis will honor 8 jubilarians during a July 23rd celebration at the motherhouse in Oldenburg. Morning Prayer, the Jubilee Mass, dinner and a reception will be special events for the senior sisters. Sister Patty Campbell is being honored for 80 years in …
Precious Blood Jubilarians 2023

Eight Sisters of the Precious Blood recently celebrated milestone anniversaries of entrance into the Congregation: Sister Berenice Janszen — 80 years Sister Dorothy Koenig — 80 years Sister Genevieve Volk — 75 years Sister Joanne Belloli — 60 years Sister Patricia Gist — 60 years Sister Joyce Langhals — 60 …
Society of Mary Jubilarians 2022

Brother A. Joseph Barrish, SM 75 Years Father Bertrand Buby, SM 70 Years Father Patrick Tonry, SM 70 Years Father Gerald Chinchar, SM 60 Years Brother Thomas Giardino, SM 60 Years Father James Heft, SM 60 Years Brother David Quigley, SM 60 Years Brother Thomas Redmond, SM 50 Years Father …
Precious Blood Sisters celebrate jubilees of religious life

By Mary Knapke The Sisters of the Precious Blood recently honored 15 Sisters who in 2020 and 2021 celebrated milestone anniversaries of entrance into the religious community: 75th Jubilarians, 2021 Sister Ruth Ann Meyer Sister Eva Roehrich Sister Laura Will 60th Jubilarians, 2021 Sister Martha Bertke Sister Jane Francis Hoffman …
PRECIOUS BLOOD SISTER REFLECTS ON 40 YEARS: Sister Karen Elliot, C.PP.S., Leads a Legacy of Hope Throughout Ohio

by Regan Meyer For Sister Karen Elliott, C.PP.S., everything in her life was pointing towards religious life; it just took God’s hand to give her the final push. Born to a cradle Catholic mother and convert father in Dayton, Sister Elliott spent her childhood attending Masses every Sunday and listening …
Jubilarians 2019: Sisters of Charity

A total of 33 Sisters of Charity of Cincinnati celebrated special anniversaries with the Community in 2019 with years of commitment ranging from 60 to 75 years. The women represent 2,020 total years of service in the Cincinnati Archdiocese, in dioceses throughout the United States and beyond. Diamond Jubilarians, marking …
Jubilarians 2019: Missionaries of the Precious Blood

60 Years Father William Beuth, C.PP.S. Fr. Beuth, a native of Springdale, Pa., entered the Society in 1946 and was ordained on May 31, 1959. Fr. Beuth has served as a missionary to Peru and Guatemala for most of his life as a priest. After his ordination, Fr. Beuth served …
Jubilarians 2019: Precious Blood Sisters celebrate jubilees of religious life

75 years Sister Charlene Heidenreich Sister Charlene (M. Charles) Heidenreich grew up as a member of Holy Family and St. Mary parishes in Dayton and graduated from Precious Blood High School — the Congregation’s former school also known as Fatima Hall — in Dayton. She spent nearly four decades in …
Spiritual director offers best New Year resolution ever

By Marilyn Kerber, SNDdeN The recent archdiocesan Jubilee celebration gave me pause. Looming large for me was the seeming low attendance, to my way of thinking, as well as those who did not RSVP, even after a telephone call. And then there were the four who did not show. These …
Jubilarians 2018: Sisters of Charity

75 Years Sister Maureen Donovan A native of Iowa, Sister Maureen Donovan spent her active ministry years as an educator in Ohio and Michigan. She first ministered as a primary school teacher at the following Archdiocesan schools: St. Patrick, Cincinnati (1945-’50); St. Aloysius, Fayetteville (1950-’51); Resurrection, Cincinnati (1951-’55); and …