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The Vice of Irritation

After recovering from a recent bad bout of COVID, I found myself reflecting on a cultural malaise that seems to have lingered since 2020: irritability. This pandemic hangover has woven itself into the fabric of our half-digital, half-physical society. Now, I was irritable as a child and vividly remember dreaming, …
The Virtue of Prayerful Journaling

Perpetua and Felicity, Ignatius of Loyola, Gemma Galgani, Faustina Kowalska, Pope John Paul II—what do all these saints have in common? They all kept journals. This simple, yet powerful, practice profoundly shaped their spiritual lives and guided them on the path to sainthood. I’m not a saint, but I am …
Spiritual director offers best New Year resolution ever

By Marilyn Kerber, SNDdeN The recent archdiocesan Jubilee celebration gave me pause. Looming large for me was the seeming low attendance, to my way of thinking, as well as those who did not RSVP, even after a telephone call. And then there were the four who did not show. These …