Posts Tagged
Joseph the Worker
May 1: Feast of St. Joseph the Worker

St. Joseph has two feast days on the liturgical calendar. The first is March 19—Joseph, the Husband of Mary. The second is May 1—Joseph, the Worker. “Saint Joseph is a man of great spirit. He is great in faith, not because he speaks his own words, but above all because …
A Closer Look: The Dignity and Purpose of Work

In 1955, Pope Pius IX established May 1 as the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker, a day set aside to seek St. Joseph’s intercession on behalf of laborers. The date was chosen as an alternative to International Workers’ Day, to celebrate workers while avoiding association with May Day’s historical …
Pope Francis prays for workers ‘crushed by an unbearable burden’ in COVID-19 recession

by CNA Staff Vatican City, Jan 12, 2022 / 02:55 am Pope Francis prayed on Wednesday for workers “crushed by an unbearable burden” amid the COVID-19 recession. At his Jan. 12 general audience in the Vatican’s Paul VI Hall, the pope asked for a moment’s silence for workers who took their lives …
Why do Christians work? To glorify God and serve others, Long Island bishop says

by Kevin J. Jones Rockville Centre, N.Y., Sep 5, 2021 / 15:00 pm Christian labor, whether in the workplace or at home, is a way to glorify God and evangelize the world by following the example of St. Joseph the Worker, Bishop John Barres of Rockville Centre said in his …
With ‘message of hope,’ consecration of California to St. Joseph coming to multiple churches

Denver Newsroom, Apr 30, 2021 / 17:04 pm America/Denver (CNA). Pope Francis has declared 2021 to be the Year of St. Joseph, and Catholics will gather at multiple California churches on May 1, the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker, to consecrate their state to the foster father of Jesus …
A Prayer for Workers on the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker

O glorious Joseph! Who concealed your incomparable and regal dignity of custodian of Jesus and of the Virgin Mary under the humble appearance of a craftsman and provided for them with your work, protect with loving power your sons, especially entrusted to you. You know their anxieties and sufferings, because …