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Parish with historic ties to Polish community celebrates St. John Paul

Staff Report At St. Adalbert Parish, founded in 1903 to serve the Polish Catholic community in Dayton and vicinity, Pope John Paul II’s canonization had special significance, said Father Eric Bowman, pastoral administrator. The parish celebrated a special Mass, featuring songs and scripture readings in Polish, followed by a reception.
Blessed John XXIII and his valet often skirted papal protocol

By Carol Glatz Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — Blessed John XXIII struggled to shake off many formalities that came with the papacy and often conspired with his valet to sneak out of the Vatican. One covert road trip in the Alban Hills outside of Rome got Guido Gusso, the pope’s valet, in …
Holy Fathers: Is being pope a shortcut to sainthood?

By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — “They call me Holy Father and that is what I must be,” the future St. John XXIII wrote in his diary. A nun who worked in the papal apartments with the future St. John Paul II saw him tired one day …
Archdiocese of Cincinnati to celebrate ‘Pacem in Terris’

Press Release More than 300 high school students will take part in a day-long conference and a retired official of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops will give an evening lecture as the Archdiocese of Cincinnati and other Catholic organizations celebrate the 50th anniversary of Pope John XXIII’s historic encyclical, …