Posts Tagged

John Stegeman

As a young child, my older sister and I would battle for the right to blow out the Advent candles after our pre-dinner prayers. Mom and dad would handle the lighting, but the kids got to blow it out. If It wasn’t our turn, we’d fight until mom and dad …

Staff Report Roughly 300 individuals representing scores of publications and other media gathered in Buffalo, N.Y. from June 24-27 for the 2015 Catholic Media Conference. The final day of the conference included the Catholic Press Association of the United States and Canada awards banquet and The Catholic Telegraph was honored twice.

Elizabeth Scalia, managing editor of the Catholic portal of the religion blog site Patheos has challenged all Catholics with access to a webpage to take a few moments and tell the world why you are remaining a Catholic. With the permission of my editor, I’m going to use a few …

I’m not dying. I don’t know what it is like to hear a doctor tell you that you have a finite number of tomorrows, and he has an estimate for just how many. The phrase, “There’s nothing we can do” has not been uttered to me or a member of …

When the Game Stands Tall, a sports drama from Affirm Films and Mandalay Pictures based on the true story of a Catholic California high school football team, is a wholesome flick. The movie was released on August 22.

College can mark the first taste independence for young people, and with that come many challenges and opportunities.

Staff Report  John Stegeman, most recently a reporter for The Catholic Telegraph, has been named New Media Editor for the Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr approved the appointment effective July 31, according to CT Editor and General Manager, Steve Trosley.

A large First Communion crowd and a loud baby (my own) made it very hard to pay attention at Mass this weekend as my wife, mother-in-law, and I stood in the back of St. Martin of Tour’s in Cheviot this Sunday. Even so, First Communion always brings back memories for …

  Many men shun self-help books. In the same way that we don’t like to stop and ask for directions, all the more we don’t like to admit when we need help in a spiritual sense. That notion delayed my reading and reviewing of David N. Calvillo’s Real Men Pray …