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John Stegeman

by John Stegeman While some young adults lose their faith in college, others, like Rachel Hess, find it anew and share it with others. A graphic designer turned Director of Religious Education (DRE) for the St. Henry Family of Parishes in the archdiocese’s northwest corner, Hess first felt called to …

by John Stegeman Nine days before Christmas I missed an opportunity to share my faith in Jesus. I took a walk from my office to the downtown Cincinnati Kroger. Anyone familiar with the area knows that the space in front of Kroger attracts all kinds. Sometimes there are panhandlers, other …

A garden project not only provides sustenance to the hungry, but also fosters a stronger sense of community. Meg Anderson and Matt Davidson, married parishioners of the Crescent Family of Parishes just east of Cincinnati, share a passion for gardening. Last year, they learned of a Dayton-area cooperative that turned …

Every parish in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati has stalwart supporters who are always willing to write a check to keep the lights on, but more and more parishes find themselves relying on the same faithful few. St. Maximilian Kolbe Church in Liberty Township isn’t immune to this, but through the …

Catholic schools have long embraced a spirit of wholesome competition in athletics, but sometimes opponents join together for a good cause. Elder High School’s football team hosted Philadelphia- based Saints Neumann Goretti High School for a week- two contest at The Pit this season. While the Panthers came out on …

Mercy McAuley High School aims to instill key core values in its students, and evidence indicates it is succeeding. During Lent, the school’s campus ministry sponsored a contest among homerooms to collect the most layettes (a bag of necessities for newborn babies) to donate to Pregnancy Center West. The students …

by John Stegeman There is a place for everyone in the Church, but mainstream society often overlooks those convicted of serious crimes. The non-profit Serenelli Project, brainchild of CEO Marty Arlinghaus, aims to be a place of refuge, healing and redemption for just such men. It will be a residential …

A dozen Mercy McAuley students will return to school this fall with a better understanding of what life is like for the poor of their own hometown. Led by Director of Ministry Dave Nissen through the St. Vincent de Paul’s Ozanam Center, the girls made a three-day mission to the …

Precious Blood Brother Nick Renner has been a farmer for 60 years. He’s toiled on the land owned by the Missionaries of the Precious Blood in Mercer County, Ohio and he’s seen a lot changes. “When I was a kid, I’d say 50 percent of people were farming, and now …

When Shannon Ott hit the back of the net in the second half of the OHSAA Girls Division I State Soccer Championship in November to give Seton High School a 1-0 victory against Strongsville, it capped off a feel-good season for the Saints. But soccer is only part of the …