Posts Tagged
John Stegeman
Secular media coverage of papal transition, ‘mix of ignorance and malice’

By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph The resignation of His Holiness Benedict XVI, Pope Emeritus, from the office of the papacy may go down as one of the biggest media events of 2013. Many newspapers, radio stations and television channels devoted time and resources to covering everything from Benedict’s last …
@CathTelegraph sends 1,000th tweet
By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph On Friday, March 1, The Catholic Telegraph sent out it’s 1000th tweet. The Catholic Telegraph joined Twitter in March of 2009, sending its first tweet on March 4. The first tweet was simple; “First Tweet … hello everybody.” The @CathTelegraph account preceded the current …
St. Joseph Catholic School in OTR, St. James of the Valley were closed for illness Feb. 22
By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph UPDATE: Superintendent Jim Rigg confirmed that St. James of the Valley in Wyoming, Ohio was closed Friday, Feb. 22 for the same reason as St. Joseph in Over the Rhine— illness. Officials from St. James of the Valley could not be reached for further …
So God made a Pope
In response to Pope Benedict XVI’s resignation announcement Monday, I give my take on the Paul Harvey classic speech “So God made a farmer” as used in the Ram Truck Super Bowl commercial. So God made a Pope And some time considerably after the 8th day, God looked down on …
Wrestle & Prevail: Proper understanding of sports can lead to stronger faith
From the Greater Catholic League to Xavier and Dayton universities’ athletic programs, sports are a major part of life for people in this archdiocese. The appeal of athletics is not limited to Catholics, of course, but our faith allows us to view competition in special way. Sports fans have been …
Clermont County’s Oldest Parish Gets New Upgrade
By John Stegeman STONELICK, Twp. — St. Philomena church in Clermont County has a long and storied history of serving its community and a recent addition to the historic church building demonstrates the parish’s desire to serve its elderly and disabled members. Father Jerry Hiland, who is the …