Posts Tagged
John Stegeman
Three Theology on Tap series underway in Archdiocese of Cincinnati

By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph Young adults often gather with friends among food and drinks in a social setting. Keeping with the church’s desire to meet people where they are, Theology on Tap aims to make those gatherings of a more spiritual nature. Theology on Tap started in the …
St. Francis de Sales sees mass attendance increase
By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph Father Bernard Weldishofer is not claiming that if you build it they will come. He does, however, acknowledge that since the opening and dedication of the new church building, St. Francis de Sales parish in Lebanon has seen a 40 percent increase in mass …
Praying the steps: A personal pilgrimage with a communal approach (Schedule of Events)
By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph Sometime in the 1870s, the traditional of “Praying the Steps” at Holy Cross-Immaculata Church began. It’s history is well known. In 1859 Archbishop John J. Purcell had the steps constructed to ease pilgrims ways as they came to pray for the completion of the …
Magazine explores St. Martin of Tours history
By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph In 1909, a group of parishioners was making the long trek home from Mass at St. Aloysius Gonzaga in Bridgetown to Cheviot. A rainstorm broke out, drenching them and turning the road into mud. That was the last straw. The churchgoers decided they needed …
From Top Model to role model: Leah Darrow shares story
By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph Leah Darrow had a career as a model and on reality TV, but other than that, her story is one to which many young people can relate. Speaking to 250-300 youths March 19 at The Underground in Forrest Park, Darrow told how she started …
On ‘The Mighty Casey,’ and the renewal of a new papacy
“The outlook wasn’t brilliant for the Mudville nine that day: The score stood four to two, with but one inning more to play.” Just about any baseball fan or English major is familiar with those famous lines from the Ernest Lawrence Thayer poem Casey at the Bat. The poem resonated …
Xavier move to Big East fine, but think what could have been
This story is exclusive web content from The Catholic Telegraph Xavier University announced Wednesday that one of its athletic dreams was coming true. The school, along with Butler and Creighton, will join Georgetown, Villanova, Marquette, St. John’s, Providence, Seton Hall and DePaul in a reformulated Big East. Learn more about …
Video: From Rome, Father Ruiz reacts to first black smoke signal
By John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph ROME — The first black smoke billowed from the chimney of the Sistine Chapel at 7:41 Rome time (2:41 EDT). Less than 20 minutes later Father Ryan Ruiz, a Cincinnati priest studying in Rome, took the time to speak with The Catholic Telegraph about …
The Catholic Telegraph staff reflects on opening of historic conclave
Staff Report The Catholic Telegraph By nature, all conclaves are historic. They tie the Church in a clear and visible way to the apostolic succession of the previous popes. In a spiritual way, they are events in which the guidance of the Holy Spirit is assured. Most conclaves have taken …
Electing a pope: Your guide to before, during and after the conclave

By Greg Hartman & John Stegeman The Catholic Telegraph The conclave starts Tuesday, and a more detailed schedule of the events has become available. Here is a guide to what happens now, before, during and after the conclave. All times listed are Rome local time with Eastern Daylight Time listed …