Posts Tagged
John Paul II canonization
October 22: Pope Saint John Paul II

Saint John Paul II is perhaps one of the most well-known pontiffs in recent history, and is most remembered for his charismatic nature, his love of youth and his world travels, along with his role in the fall of communism in Europe during his 27-year papacy. Karol Józef Wojtyla, known …
Pope Francis, with retired pope, canonizes Sts. John and John Paul

By Francis X. Rocca Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — Canonizing two recent popes in the presence of his immediate predecessor, Pope Francis praised the new Sts. John XXIII and John Paul II as men of courage and mercy, who responded to challenges of their time by modernizing the Catholic …
Local sister met John Paul II in 1990

Staff Report Sister of Mercy Victoria Vondenberger director of the archdiocesan Tribunal, knew she was in the presence of someone special when she met Blessed John Paul II in 1990. She was in Rome as part of a cannon law class trip, when the group was invited to the pope’s …
Archdiocese of Cincinnati Catholics prepare to celebrate canonizations

By Eileen Connelly, OSU The Catholic Telegraph Two Catholic schools in the archdiocese that bear the names of future saints will be celebrating the upcoming canonizations of Blessed John XXIII and John Paul II in a variety of meaningful and memorable ways. Banners hanging in front of John XXIII School …
Holy Fathers: Is being pope a shortcut to sainthood?

By Cindy Wooden Catholic News Service VATICAN CITY — “They call me Holy Father and that is what I must be,” the future St. John XXIII wrote in his diary. A nun who worked in the papal apartments with the future St. John Paul II saw him tired one day …