Posts Tagged
Jessica Rinaudo
Who Are Your Intercessors?
As a Protestant, my knowledge of saints was limited to the ones associated with holidays: St. Nicholas, St. Valentine, St. Patrick – and those were relegated to the realm of Santa Claus. It wasn’t until I discovered true Catholicism that I understood the saints as real people who faced adversities …
Bengals Asking for Our Prayers: Father Tom Wray Ministers to Bengals as Catholic Chaplain
by Jessica Rinaudo With anticipation building for Sunday’s big game, Cincinnati Bengals fans are preparing to cheer and pray for their team at the Super Bowl this weekend. Among those praying is Father Tom Wray, Catholic chaplain of the Cincinnati Bengals. Father Wray has served as the Bengals chaplain for …
What Inspires You?
Whether we like it or not, media has infused itself into almost every aspect of our lives. We watch local television news and streaming services, listen to the radio as we drive and scroll through social media feeds at our leisure – it is our constant companion. But we can …
Sistine Chapel Exhibit Comes to Dayton
by Jessica Rinaudo Residents of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati and surrounding areas are in for a treat. SEE Global Entertainment (SEE) is bringing the Sistine Chapel to life in Dayton, OH. Inside the Mall at Fairfield Commons, visitors can step into another world. Its walls house museum-quality, life-size reproductions of …
A New Face in Catholic Identity
Recognizing the importance of a strong faith presence within our Catholic schools, Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr approved a new position: Deputy Superintendent of Catholic Identity. The search for the right candidate went far and wide until recently, when Joshua Agnew was hired to take on this crucial role. As a …
The Blessings of Catholic School
Before moving to Cincinnati, I worked three jobs so my four children could remain in Catholic school. “She must be crazy,” you might think – and many who dearly love us certainly thought we were. I don’t say this to paint myself as a martyr or look down my nose …
Moments of Hope
My brothers and I, who normally don’t get along, prayed together. My last chemo treatment is done. We are going to figure out a way to help your child at school. I’m finally able to fly and see you after having to cancel twice because of the pandemic. He got …
Meet the Moms
“I always encouraged my kids to be who they were created to be… share what they are and what they have with God. Everyone has their own gifts, so whatever that is should be used to bring glory to God’s name and bring people to the Church.” These words were …
The Best Laid Plans
Momma, I don’t feel so good.” Those dreaded words always send a flurry of thoughts running through my mind, especially when uttered on a weekday morning. Out comes the thermometer, and when the inevitable 100.8 degrees registers on the screen, my husband and I start quickly recalculating our plans for …
Vital & Vibrant
As the Beacons of Light process ramps up and parishes take a look at who is part of their new Family of Parishes, the faithful may wonder how it will work and what the end result will look like. But members of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati already have one beacon …