Posts Tagged
Jessica Rinaudo
Advent: The Light in the Darkness

Have you ever felt “spiritually dry”—that sense of struggling to pray, not feeling connected to the Creator, or even doubting? Maybe you’re not praying as much or wondering what you did to deserve something bad happening in your life. I certainly have, and I know I’m not the only one. …
This is what Joy is all about

Over the past year, my husband, Mark, and I saved and planned a big vacation for our 15th wedding anniversary. It involved a lot of work, including driving 14 hours one- way to drop our children off in Louisiana with family, taking multiple flights to various connecting airports, securing our …
A Slice of Life

I sat in a hospital room with my seven-year-old son, the blood pressure cuff inflating and counting down, his heart rate registering on a monitor. After months of being in and out of Children’s Hospital with a mysterious illness, he was about to go under anesthesia for a biopsy and …
Called to something Bigger

As a tall third grader, I was immediately tapped to play our basketball team’s center position (as the team’s tallest person often is). This meant that I had to make the opening jump ball, which placed me in the very center of the action, and I had to fight other …
Preparing to Fly

When I look at photos of my children at summer’s beginning and then turn to the quickly-growing people standing before me at the school year’s start, I’m always taken aback. I shouldn’t be—after all, over summer everyone goes up a shoe size or two. It’s bittersweet to watch our children …
A Mother’s Heart

I’ve been a bit emotional while working on this particular issue of the magazine. You see, when it comes to mothers and kids—in utero to toddlers, tweens, teens and everything in between—my mama heart often empathizes to the point of pain. This is your first child and he has a …
Well Wishes

After working for dioceses for more than 14 years, I’ve seen my fair share of bishops come and go. Twice, I’ve been on the receiving end, part of the flurry of communications, joy and anticipation that comes with a new bishop for my diocese. I’ve gotten caught up in the …
Celebrating Bishop-Elect Earl Fernandes

An Exclusive Interview with the Next Bishop of the Diocese of Columbus by Jessica Rinaudo On the morning of April 2, the faithful of Ohio woke to a surprise: Father Earl K. Fernandes, a priest of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, was designated by Pope Francis as Bishop-elect of the Diocese …
Editor’s Note: Cultivating Devotion

I’ve been meditating for weeks on this May issue’s theme of devotion, rolling it over in my head. While growing up, the word “devotion,” in relation to faith, only extended to flowery “devotional books.” I wasn’t even aware of devotions to particular saints then, because I had no real understanding …
Loud, Vibrant & Beautiful

There have been a few times in my life where God’s presence, abundance and majesty left me thunderstruck. As a child of 10 or so, when my family went to the Gulf Coast, I would drag a chair out to the beach at night and sit under the stars. Even …