Posts Tagged
Jeanne Hunt
Catholic Thoughts: Finding Hope in Hopeless Times

What can we do?” Over and over, people come to me with that question. We want to have a plan, a way to overcome the darkness in our world. Oh, how I wish I had the answer. But, as in all things spiritual, the answer abides within each of us …
Catholic Thoughts: When the Holy Spirit winks

I have had a few run-ins with the Holy Spirit in my day and thought that this month in which we celebrate Pentecost would be an excellent time to share what this Holy Breath is up to. For the most part, we seem to encounter the third party of the …
Catholic Thoughts: ‘Be who you are and be that well’

One of my favorite sayings is from St Francis de Sales: “Be who you are and be that well. So that you may bring honor to the Master Craftsman whose handiwork you are.” It is good enough to just be yourself. In fact, God doesn’t want us to try to …
Catholic Thoughts: Sins of omission: For what I have failed to do

Do you ever mentally skip over the statement: “.. for what I have done and for what I have failed to do” in the Confiteor? We figure that reconciliation is all about those time we did something wrong like lying, cheating, losing our temper etc. What is missing is the …
Catholic Thoughts: A few ways to have a Happy New Year

The New Year is here, and it is time to make some decisions about changes in our lives. We do this every year and it seems as if nothing changes. By Dec. 31, we are no closer to God, no happier and no more the good soul we would like …
Take a holy pause and leave “Christmas Crazy” behind

Are you ready for the Christmas Crazy? We are down to the wire. Christmas is rushing into our lives sooner then we want. It seems like yesterday when we were eating turkey and believing we had all the time in the world to make Christmas. But not so! We are …
Grumpy hateful or humble grateful

It’s Thanksgiving dinner. You look around the table and see, once again, your beloved, dysfunctional family. While you would like to imagine that you and your family are the perfect, loving family, around this turkey is a spicy mix of selfishness, negativism, pride, and a pinch of bitterness. I offer …
Giving up your seat at God’s table

It is really easy to come up with excuses not to go to Sunday Mass. Ask anybody that you don’t see there: I am too busy, no one will miss me, I’m not showing up if she/he is there, I do not agree with the church’s teaching on… You can …
Jeanne Hunt for May: Loving Mom

Did you get your mother a card and some flowers for Mother’s Day? Well, that’s a great start, but loving and caring for your mom really needs more attention than a Sunday in May. Moms are remarkable women. They have given us more than we can think or imagine. So, …
Jeanne Hunt for March: Stressed? Give God your worries

Do you take things back from God? You know what I mean: you are praying your heart out for your son who struggles in school, you turn your troubled marriage over to God again and again, you lift up the chaos on the streets…only to grab it all right back …