Posts Tagged
January 2023
All the Little Things

I will be the first to admit that growing up with a public school education served me well. I was not Catholic as a child, and my parents did a great job teaching me about Jesus and taking me to Methodist Sunday School on their own time. I was fortunate …
Time, Contingency and the Illusion of Control

Over the past two months I completed two milestones: my 60th year of life and my 20th consecutive year of sobriety. Coming on the cusp of a new calendar year, these two anniversaries present the perfect opportunity to take a closer look at time, contingency and hope. As many of …

A lo largo del mes de enero, celebramos la memoria litúrgica de muchos santos que se dedicaron al aprendizaje y a la educación. Hermanas religiosas, como Santa Elizabeth Ann Seton y Santa Ángela Merici, formaron comunidades de mujeres comprometidas con la educación de los jóvenes y las familias. Los santos, …