Posts Tagged
January 2022
A New Face in Catholic Identity

Recognizing the importance of a strong faith presence within our Catholic schools, Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr approved a new position: Deputy Superintendent of Catholic Identity. The search for the right candidate went far and wide until recently, when Joshua Agnew was hired to take on this crucial role. As a …
The Blessings of Catholic School

Before moving to Cincinnati, I worked three jobs so my four children could remain in Catholic school. “She must be crazy,” you might think – and many who dearly love us certainly thought we were. I don’t say this to paint myself as a martyr or look down my nose …

Christmas is drawing to a close and with it the months-long holiday season. I admit that though I miss Thanksgiving, the joyful anticipation of Advent and the blessed Christmas season, my childlike giddiness lingers into January because it brings my birthday – and I absolutely love my birthday. Balloons, my …
Seek the Lord for January 2022

Catholic schools have a well-deserved reputation for providing a high-quality, holistic education and producing successful, well-rounded young scholars. The most important thing about Catholic schools, however, is that they are Catholic. Our mission is not to just graduate scholars, but to form disciples who desire to know, love and serve …

Las escuelas católicas tienen una reputación bien merecida de brindar una educación íntegra de alta calidad y de producir jóvenes académicamente exitosos y plenos. Sin embargo, lo más importante de las escuelas católicas es que son católicas. Nuestra misión no es solo graduar eruditos, sino formar discípulos que deseen conocer, …
A distilled Church will be a Faithful Church

In 1969, German theologian Joseph Ratzinger – later Pope Benedict XVI – gave a radio address in which he asked, “What will the Church look like in 2000?” His evaluation of the Church’s condition in 1969 is acute and thoughtful. His prediction for the Church’s future state is remarkably prescient. …
Is Addiction Sinful?

I am dealing with addiction in my family and wondered if the Church sees it as sinful? One of the fundamental Christian beliefs is that the created world is good (Gen. 1:31). However, this does not mean that created things cannot be used immoderately or abused. In the case of …

This article is part of a series from Father Earl Fernandes exploring Families of Parishes. Click the links below to find other articles in the series. The Church as the Family of God Families of Parishes as Evangelizing Communities Being a Synodal Church Synodality Walking with Christ, The Holy Spirit …