Posts Tagged
January 2015
Q&A: What are the rules for godparents?

Dear Father: I have a question regarding godparents. It seems mandatory that a godparent be a Catholic. I could have a Catholic be a godparent and move three years after the baptism to another state. The child would only rarely see them, possibly only on holidays. I could ask a non-catholic …
My Journey: Cursillo crucial to bishop’s faith development

Conversion isn’t always a blinding light or whispered voice that leads to major transformation. Other times it is small steps along a life of faith that lead someone closer to Christ. Auxiliary Bishop Joseph R. Binzer has led a life full of moments like the latter. Now a bishop, in …
Local Catholic attends Mass at all 82 Hamilton Co. churches
By Walt Schaefer For The Catholic Telegraph Jack Metz is a well-churched Catholic. An odyssey of his ended in November at St. Anthony of Padua Church in Walnut Hills when he attended Mass there. With that Mass, Metz has attended Masses at all 82 Catholic churches in Hamilton County. “I …
Celebrating 175 years, St. Philomena bringing legacy back to life

By Walt Scaefer For The Catholic Telegraph For the 175th anniversary of St. Philomena Parish, the oldest in Clermont County, Father Jerry Hiland wants to do more than remember its legacy. He wants to bring the legacy back to life. And, at a time of combining parishes into pastoral regions …
Springfield Soup Kitchen receives apostolic blessing from Pope

By Sarah Anne Carter For The Catholic Telegraph Tucked away in the middle of Springfield, Ohio, is a soup kitchen that not only feeds stomachs, but also warms hearts and saves lives. The work is important and has been recognized as such by several organizations and the pope himself.
Polish priest seeks truth about heroic Catholics

By Steve Trosley The Catholic Telegraph The passionate pursuit of truth fuels the work of the authentic academic. Thus, Father Pawel Rytel-Andrianik pours his energies into seeking the truth of Catholic heroism in the days of the holocaust.
Mass at Our Lady of Grace brings faith communities together
By Eileen Connelly, OSU The Catholic Telegraph A special Mass on Nov. 16 brought two Dayton faith communities together as they honored the past, celebrated their unity and are now looking with faith and hope toward the future as Our Lady of Grace Parish. The liturgy was held at Our …
Archbishop Schnurr leads pilgrimage to the Holy Land

By Steve Trosley The Catholic Telegraph “Seek the face of the Lord.” So declares the Episcopal motto of Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr, who led a group of 80 pilgrims through the Holy Land in Israel and Jordan on an advent spiritual journey Dec. 1-14. The pilgrims found the face of …
National Migration Week scheduled for January 4-10
Press Release Pope Francis, on World Day of Peace, stressed one resolution for everyone: to accept without reservation that “all people are in relation with others, from whom they differ, but with whom they share the same origin, nature, and dignity.” The U.S. Catholic bishops echo this in their theme …
How Best to Celebrate Catholic Schools Week? Celebrate Our Students!
By Dr. Jim Rigg Superintendent of Catholic Schools Catholic Schools Week begins on Jan. 25 this year. During that week, we will join with Catholic schools across our country in celebrating the success of our Catholic schools. Each of the 113 Catholic schools of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati has planned …