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Together in Christ Groups begin planning ways to approach others with ‘missionary zeal’
A gathering focused on the spirit of encounter and dialogue took place Sept. 9 (the feasts of St. Peter Claver and Blessed Frederic Ozanam) at the Athenaeum of Ohio. “Together in Christ: Saying ‘Yes’ to Missionary Discipleship” brought together immigrants, the formerly incarcerated, women who have faced crisis pregnancies, victims …
Distinguished Speaker Event Will Highlight Challenges and Opportunities Surrounding Refugees and Immigrants
Dayton, Ohio (September 7, 2017) – A global leader on migrants and refugees will be the featured guest at the 2017 Distinguished Speaker event on Thursday, October 5. The event is sponsored by Catholic Social Services of the Miami Valley and the Catholic Social Action Office of the Archdiocese of …
Guatemalans share needs, hopes Ohians travel to Guatemala to better understand of Guatemalans here
By Patricia McGeever Julie Bishop got her first passport last year, with no immediate plans to travel. She was a bit surprised when just three weeks later she was invited to make her first trip out of the United States. She calls it her “God moment.” The invitation came from …
Sixth Circuit Court denies Maribel Trujillo Diaz in deportation case
Update April 19, 2017: Maribel Trujillo-Diaz has been deported to Mexico according to her attorney. This morning she was flown from Alexandria, LA to Mexico City. Her children did not accompany her and remain in Hamilton. The Sixth Circuit Court in Cincinnati made the decision on April 11, 2017 to deny …
People of all faiths will join in an ecumenical “Mercy for Maribel” prayer service at 2 p.m. Sunday, April 9, to pray that Maribel Trujillo Diaz not be deported but be allowed to remain with her loving family in Hamilton. Participants will gather at St. Joseph Church, 171 Washington Street, …
The Archdiocese of Cincinnati on April 6, 2017 issued the following statement in response to actions taken Wednesday by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE): The Trump Administration has repeatedly announced that its approach towards immigration enforcement would focus on public safety and removing criminal elements from our communities. Today, we …
Father Dan Groody Talk at XU
Father Dan Groody of Notre Dame will speak about “A God of Life and A Civilization of Love: A Catholic Response to the Refugee and Immigration Crisis.” Co-sponosored by XU, Catholic Charities, and the Archdiocese of Cincinnati; made possible by a grant from the XU Mission Animators, which uses gifts …
Catholics Respond to Refugee and Immigration Crisis
CINCINNATI, January 31, 2017 – Father Daniel Groody, CSC, the award-winning filmmaker of “Dying to Live: A Migrant’s Journey” will speak at a free presentation at 7:30 pm on April 5 at Bellarmine Chapel at Xavier University. His presentation is entitled: A God of Life and a Civilization of Love: …
Supreme Court tie vote blocks temporary plan to stop deportations
IMAGE: CNS photo/Andrew Gombert, EPA By Carol Zimmermann WASHINGTON (CNS) — With a tie vote June 23, the U.S. Supreme Court blocked the Obama administration’s plan to temporarily protect more than 4 million unauthorized immigrants from deportation. The court’s 4-4 vote leaves in place a lower court injunction blocking the …
Ash Wednesday rally shows support for immigrants
A group of 40 people gathered in front of the John Weld Peck Federal Building in downtown Cincinnati on Ash Wednesday and marched in bitter cold weather to show their support to immigrants in the United States and to call for repentance as individuals and as a country for our …