Posts Tagged
immigration reform
Here’s what ‘border bishops’ think about the migrant crisis

By Peter Pinedo Baltimore, Md., Nov 17, 2023 / 18:20 pm Several Texas bishops are expressing grave concern about the ongoing migrant crisis and are underscoring the need for “comprehensive immigration reform” as the situation is untenable for their dioceses. More than 2.5 million illegal immigrants crossed the southern border last …
Catholic bishops urge US Senate to pass a delayed immigration reform bill

CNA Staff, Jun 5, 2020 / 02:19 pm MT (CNA).- The U.S. bishops’ migration chairman called on Congress to advance a bill that would help “Dreamers” and other immigrants gain a pathway to citizenship. Bishop Mario Dorsonville, auxiliary bishop of Washington, issued a statement June 4 challenging the Senate to …
Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr Message on Immigration

My Dear Friends in Christ, The Catholic Church globally, including this Archdiocese locally, has consistently and outspokenly urged all nations to protect the lives and dignities of migrants and to establish orderly immigration systems. For too long now, the crisis of migrants having to flee dire poverty and appalling violence …
Being Pro-Life: the plight of adults brought to the United States as children

“I was born dirt poor on a dirt floor. I lived in a small shack with aluminum walls and an aluminum roof. No running water, no electricity, a bed and a bucket… When I was four years old, my parents decided to come to the United States.” This is how …
Photo Essay: Prayer of Thanksgiving for Maribel Trujillo Diaz

Witness from Mairbel Trujillo Diaz More than anything, first of all, I want to thank my God for being here with my family and all of you. If anyone asks me how a spent those long months apart from my family, I would say “in prayer”. When I arrived at …
Maribel Trujillo-Diaz case reopened

In 2017, The Sixth Circuit Court in Cincinnati made the decision on April 11, 2017 to deny the request of Maribel Trujillo Diaz which cleared the way for her deportation to Mexico. On January 17, 2018, a Federal Appeals Court has ordered the case to be re-opened. Today’s comment from Tony …
USCCB Chairman Welcomes Ninth Circuit Decision Upholding Preliminary Injunction on Refugee Resettlement Pause and Travel Ban
INDIANAPOLIS—On June 12, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit largely affirmed a nationwide preliminary injunction against implementation of sections of the Administration’s executive order that attempted to suspend and limit the U.S. refugee resettlement program and also attempted to ban the entry of people from six Muslim-majority …
Statement Concerning Maribel Trujillo’s Deportation and a Renewed Call for Immigration Reform and More Targeted Enforcement

April 19, 2017 We learned that Maribel Trujillo Diaz of Fairfield, Ohio was deported to Mexico today from a detention facility in Louisiana at 10am this morning. As she is sent away from her husband and four, U.S. citizen children, our prayers go with her. May God keep her safe …
Supreme Court tie vote blocks temporary plan to stop deportations

IMAGE: CNS photo/Andrew Gombert, EPA By Carol Zimmermann WASHINGTON (CNS) — With a tie vote June 23, the U.S. Supreme Court blocked the Obama administration’s plan to temporarily protect more than 4 million unauthorized immigrants from deportation. The court’s 4-4 vote leaves in place a lower court injunction blocking the …
Catholic lawmakers urged to back immigration reform as pro-life issue
By Catholic News Service WASHINGTON — A group of Catholic leaders urged fellow Catholics in Congress to set aside “partisan bickering” and support the U.S. bishops’ efforts on behalf of a comprehensive immigration reform, calling it a sanctity of life issue and an important step in building a culture of …