Posts Tagged
Immaculate Conception Celina
Out and About for January 2025

1) Socktober at Mother Teresa School Fifth graders at Mother Teresa Elementary School in Cincinnati hosted a “Socktober” service project. Students collected 1,722 pairs of socks to give to @servecity622. 2) Notre Dame Mission Volunteers Mount Notre Dame High School in Reading was the setting for 27 staff members from …
Obituary: Fr Thomas Brenberger C.PP.S

Fr. Thomas Brenberger, C.PP.S., 84, died at 3:10 p.m. on July 22, 2024 in the infirmary of St. Charles Center, Carthagena, Ohio. Fr. Brenberger was born on October 24, 1939, in Dayton. He entered Brunnerdale, the Congregation’s high school seminary near Canton, Ohio, in 1953 and was ordained on June …
Being Christ to Others

When you think of “stewardship,” what comes to mind? Is it money? Is it the act of caring for our sacred spaces? Or, is it perhaps a dedication towards spiritual growth? For members at Immaculate Conception Church in Celina, the parish has placed stewardship at the forefront for some time. …
A Lifetime of Service

This year Sister Laura Will, C.PP.S. celebrates 75 years with the Sisters of the Precious Blood (Dayton) along with her classmates, Sisters Ruth Ann Meyer and Eva Roehrich, C.PP.S. Together, they mark 225 years of religious life, of which Sister Will says more than 125 years were spent in the …
Precious Blood Priest Heeded Vocational Call to Serve as Air Force Chaplain

By Susie Bergman Father Eugene “Gene” Schnipke had only been ordained for a few short years, but it seemed everyone knew he was destined for a different kind of vocational service – everyone, that is, except him. After committing his life to the Missionaries of the Precious Blood in 1980, …
Weather Decimates Ohio Farm Community

By John Stegeman For farmers and members of the Catholic Rural Life team, Gerald and Lori Vian, the torrential rains that have blanketed southwestern Ohio aren’t the full extent their problems. While the rains have their corn and bean crops behind schedule, the Vians are also working to rebuild their …
C.PP.S. candidate is temporarily incorporated

Greg Evers is now in advanced formation with the Missionaries of the Precious Blood after his temporary incorporation into the congregation, celebrated on Aug. 18. “God is constantly calling us – today marks a step forward in Greg’s journey,” said Father Jeffrey Kirch, provincial director, as he welcomed community members, …
Throwback Thursday: Festivals a mark of faith and fun

The Catholic Telegraph is just two weeks away from releasing the 2016 Festival Guide and today’s #ThrowbackThursday photo encapsulates the spirit of Catholic church festivals. A young boy and girl are shown enjoying a ride on a “scrambler” ride in the forefront. A ferris wheel and carousel are clearly seen …