Posts Tagged
Holy Week
Pope Francis’ schedule for Holy Week 2021 at the Vatican unveiled

Vatican City, Mar 25, 2021 / 03:00 pm MT (CNA).- The Vatican has published Pope Francis’ schedule for Holy Week at the Vatican this year. For the second year in a row, the papal liturgies for Holy Week will be much smaller than usual due to the coronavirus pandemic, with …
How to obtain a plenary indulgence during Holy Week

By CNA Staff CNA Staff, Mar 2, 2021 / 12:43 am MT (CNA).- A plenary indulgence is a grace granted by the Catholic Church through the merits of Jesus Christ, Mary and all the saints to remove the temporal punishment due to sin. The indulgence applies to sins already forgiven. …
Holy Week 2021: Vatican issues guidelines for Catholics amid ongoing COVID-19 restrictions

by Courtney Mares Vatican City, Feb 17, 2021 / 07:00 am MT (CNA).- The Vatican Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments issued guidelines on Wednesday for the celebration of Holy Week this year in light of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. In the note signed Feb. 17 …
Holy Week in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati

Sunday, April 5: Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion Live Streaming Mass at 9:30 a.m. (Spanish) Live Streaming Mass at 11:00 a.m. Tuesday, April 7: Chrism Mass at 1:00 p.m. Wednesday, April 8: Mass for Frontline Wokers at 10:00 a.m. Wednesday, April 8: Tenebrae Service from Maria Stein Shrine, 7:30 …
EWTN Televised Holy Week 2020 Mass Schedule

EWTN TELEVISED HOLY WEEK 2020 MASS SCHEDULE **Due to the Cornavirus Pandemic times and events subject to change **Updated, Saturday, April 4 at 7:00 p.m. Sunday, April 5: Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord 5:00 a.m. Solemn Mass of Palm Sunday from Rome with Pope Francis 8 a.m. Palm …
A Closer Look: Holy Week as Political Comedy

It is impossible to divorce religious faith (or lack thereof) from political commitments. While legislators and judges might try to keep religious and political institutions distinct from one another—to build Thomas Jefferson’s famous “wall of separation between Church and State”—belief (or unbelief) is a necessary factor in the way all …
Pope Francis will offer Easter liturgies in St. Peter’s Basilica and with no public

By Hannah Brockhaus Vatican City, Mar 27, 2020 / 06:40 am (CNA).- Pope Francis will follow a slightly modified schedule this year for the liturgies of Holy Week and Easter, which will all take place inside St. Peter’s Basilica and without the presence of the public, the Vatican announced Friday. …
Fear and Anxiety in the Time of Coronavirus

As I write this note on March 17, 2020, the world around us seems to be devolving into chaos. Schools are closing for the next three weeks and parents are tasked with conducting lessons at home. Parents, in turn, are scrambling to figure out how to continue to bring in …
Public Masses Suspended in Ohio through Easter

The Catholic Conference of Ohio, chaired by Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, has released a statement temporarily suspending all publicly celebrated Masses and liturgies through Easter. The archdiocesan website,, will be live-streaming daily and weekend Masses from the Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains. Daily …
Today’s Photo Essay: Celebrating Archbishop Schnurr’s 10th Anniversary

Saturday, December 21, 2019 marks the 10th Anniversary of Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr becoming the Tenth Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. We celebrate this day in photos.