Posts Tagged
Holy Trinity Parish
Growing Together

A garden project not only provides sustenance to the hungry, but also fosters a stronger sense of community. Meg Anderson and Matt Davidson, married parishioners of the Crescent Family of Parishes just east of Cincinnati, share a passion for gardening. Last year, they learned of a Dayton-area cooperative that turned …
Obituary: Deacon Michael J. Leo

Deacon Michael J. Leo, a Deacon of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, died on Thursday, August 8, 2019. Deacon Leo was ordained to the Diaconate by Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr at Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception Church in Dayton Ohio on April 27, 2013. Deacon Leo served at Holy Trinity …
Event Alert: Holy Hour of Healing and Peace

On Saturday, August 10th from 7:00 p.m. -8:00 p.m., Holy Trinity Catholic Church will have a Holy Hour of Healing and Peace for all victims of violence and for our community. All are welcome to join.

THE PRIESTS’ PERSONNEL OFFICE ANNOUNCES THE FOLLOWING NEW ASSIGNMENTS: EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 4, 2019 Reverend Thomas Wray, as part-time Priest Chaplain at Bethesda North Hospital. EFFECTIVE APRIL 1, 2019 Reverend Philip Seher, as Parochial Administrator of St. Simon Parish, Cincinnati, through June 30, 2019; Reverend James Meade, as Parochial Administrator of …
Jubilarians 2018: Sisters of Charity

75 Years Sister Maureen Donovan A native of Iowa, Sister Maureen Donovan spent her active ministry years as an educator in Ohio and Michigan. She first ministered as a primary school teacher at the following Archdiocesan schools: St. Patrick, Cincinnati (1945-’50); St. Aloysius, Fayetteville (1950-’51); Resurrection, Cincinnati (1951-’55); and …
Holy Trinity Parish in Dayton celebrates 150th anniversary
August 24, 2011 By Maggie Malach DAYTON DEANERY — Marion Driver has been a member of Holy Trinity Parish in Dayton since she was 3 weeks old — 91 years ago.