Posts Tagged
Holy Family School
Educational Foundations: CISE Preschools Prepare Urban Children for Success

Every day, Jennifer Hagood’s 5-year-old son, Ricole, says a prayer. “He doesn’t pray for toys. He prays for the people he loves,” she explained. “He sends everybody’s name up to God.” Hagood attributes her son’s concern for others to the solid foundation in both his education and faith-based values he …
Katie Puthoff: Principal Embraces Sharing the Faith at Culturally Diverse Price Hill School

by John Stegeman For Katie Puthoff, principal at Holy Family School in the Cincinnati neighborhood of Price Hill, being an educator isn’t just a job. It is as much a ministry as it is the fulfillment of a childhood dream. “Even from when I was little, my parents would tell …
Obituary: Sister of Charity of Cincinnati Marie Josetta Wethington

DELHI TOWNSHIP, OHIO – August 26, 2019 – Sister of Charity of Cincinnati Marie Josetta Wethington died Aug. 17, 2019, at the age of 87 at Good Samaritan Hospital, Cincinnati. Sister Marie Josetta was born Margaret Ann Wethington on March 5, 1932, to Joseph F. and Etta (Walter) Wethington in …
Latino outreach coordinator introduces families to Catholic education
By Patricia McGeever For The Catholic Telegraph If you ask Geraldina Jeronimo, 6, what she likes about the first grade, she will tell you “reading and writing.” When prompted, she adds, “recess.” Geraldina attends Holy Family School in Price Hill and her parents are thrilled she’s there. “It’s very important …