Posts Tagged
Holy Cross-Immaculata Church
Gameday Mass Times

GameDay Mass Times Welcome Cincinnati Reds and Pittsburgh Pirate Fans !!! This weekend The Finale, the Reds play the Pittsburgh Pirate Fans on Saturday, September 21 and Sunday, September 22. First pitch on Saturday is 1:15 p.m. and Sunday at 1:10 p.m. Below are Mass times downtown to enhance your Twenty Fifth …
Praying the Steps at Holy Cross Immaculata on Good Friday

Praying the Steps at Holy Cross – Immaculata Parish on March 29, 2024 . Where do I start the steps? There are three phases of the Good Friday steps. The most popular phase begins on St. Gregory and ends at Holy Cross-Immaculata Church – Phase One: from Riverside Drive (at …
Major Shrines in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati

by Gail Finke What is a shrine? Associated with popular piety since the earliest days of the Church, shrines are places of pilgrimage and prayer. Pope St. John Paul II once said, “Christian shrines have always been, and continue to be, signs of God, and of His intervention in history. …
Good Friday at Holy Cross Immaculata 2021

The parishioners of Holy Cross-Immaculata Parish are pleased to announce that the tradition of Praying the Steps will resume this year. Since Governor DeWine has lifted many of the Covid 19 restrictions for church services, Mayor John Cranley has given the parish permission to move forward with plans to provide …
Welcome to Spring in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati

Here’s the scene of the beauty of Spring in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.
Holy Cross Immaculata Praying of the steps tentatively rescheduled

Holy Cross Immaculata Church in Mount Adams has announced they have tentatively rescheduled the Praying of the Steps to Wednesday, May 13, 2020 which is the Feast day of Our Lady of Fatima or Saturday, August 15, 2020 which is the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary …
Praying of the Steps at Holy Cross Immaculata Good Friday has been cancelled

All Good Friday, April 10, plans at Holy Cross-Immaculata are canceled due to the directives of the governor, the Ohio bishops, and the mayor of Cincinnati.
Did you Know: Holy Cross-Immaculata Church

by Gail Finke There is a piece of the True Cross at Holy Cross-Immaculata in Mt. Adams. It is available for veneration on a side altar in the main church on Good Friday – see it when you pray the steps! Is the relic of the True Cross real? While …
If you go: Praying the Steps in Mt. Adams

Today’s primer on Praying the Steps in Mt. Adams at Holy Cross Immaculata Church. What to expect: People began praying on the hillside while the church was being built and, after 1859, gathering to pray on its original steps. Eventually, the custom developed into a Good Friday observance, and for …
Today’s Video: Saying goodbye to April with a look at Holy Week in the Archdiocese

A pictorial of Holy Week in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, accompanied by the Choir and Orchestra of the Cathedral of St. Peter in Chains singing Handel’s Hallelujah Chorus.