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First permanent deacons look back

By Walt Schaefer Pope Paul VI took the first step in restoring the ancient order of permanent diaconate in the Catholic Church’s Latin Rite in 1967 as part of the Vatican II reforms. In the spring of 1968, the bishops of the United States petitioned the Holy Father to revive …
David Haas Workshop/Retreat at St. Charles Borromeo (Kettering)
Contemporary Catholic liturgical music composer David Haas (“We are Called,” “You are Mine,” “Blest are They”) will lead a retreat-workshop filled with music and reflection entitled “That You Might Have Life: 12 Spiritual Steps for the Call to Holiness.” Space is limited—please register by February 15. Includes lunch. Remember to come for Friday’s …
Free David Haas Concert at St. Charles Borromeo (Kettering)
The composer of “We are Called,” “You are Mine,” “Blest are They,” and more will present a free concert Friday before a Saturday workshop.