Posts Tagged
Guardian Angels School
Faith, Excellence, Service: Three Guiding Principles for Our Catholic Schools

by Michelle Dushensky Since 1974, Catholic schools around the country have participated in Catholic Schools Week (CSW). Traditionally, CSW is held at the end of January, and, each year, the National Catholic Education Association (NCEA) chooses a theme to highlight an aspect of Catholic schools. This year’s theme, “Catholic Schools: …
Obituaries for January

Sister Mary Alberta Bodde, SC Sister Mary Alberta Bodde, SC, a Sister of Charity of Cincinnati, died Dec. 21, at the age of 96. Sister Mary Alberta was born on May 9, 1923, in Goodells, MI. She was raised on a poultry farm, the oldest of five children. She was …
Box of Joy Cincinnati Seventh-Grader Helps Impoverished People

By Rebecca Sontag Katie Claes’ dad came home from work one evening excited about something he’d heard on the radio and told Katie all about it. During that morning’s commute on Sacred Heart Radio’s Son Rise Morning Show, Jason Claes listened to an interview with Jim Cavnar, president and cofounder of …
Obituary: Sister Jean Masterson

Sister Jean Masterson, age 76 years, of Cincinnati, OH, a Sister of the Congregation of St. Joseph for 58 years, died Nov. 16, 2019. Sister Jean ministered as a teacher at Immaculate Heart of Mary, Guardian Angels, and St. Thomas More elementary schools, as well as teacher and administrator at …
Guardian Angels Students Spend Day Serving the Community

Guardian Angels School (GA), located in Mt. Washington on the east side of Cincinnati, was abuzz the morning of Sept. 27. Buses lined the school’s front entrance as students walked out of their classrooms, wearing white GA t-shirts. Students were bound for locations across the city and, in some cases, …