Posts Tagged
Guardian Angels parish
Meet Father Earl Fernandes, new Pastor of St. Ignatius Loyola Parish

Father Earl Fernandes has been named Pastor of St. Ignatius Loyola in Monfort Heights. He has been a member of the Staff of the Apostolic Nunciature in Washington, D.C. for the past three and a half years. Prior to that, from 2008-2016, he was the Dean of the Athenaeum of …
Celebrating our Catholic School Principals

The Catholic Schools office in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati held their Awards Ceremony at the May Principals’ meeting. St. JOHN THE BAPTIST AWARD 2019 Jeff Fulmer, Principal – St. James the Greater & Corey Stoops, Principal – Guardian Angels Education is an evolving science and it is important that principals …
Today’s Video: December in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati

In Today’s Video we look at December, a time of Beauty, Grace, and Joy. Take a look at some of the wonder that our parishes, schools, staff, and volunteers make this a true season of Faith, Hope, and Love. 200 years ago the song Stille Nacht (Silent Night) was first …
Obituaries September

Sister Mary Corrine Schmidt A Mass of Christian Burial for Sister of Charity of Cincinnati Mary Corrine Schmidt was celebrated Aug. 21 in the motherhouse chapel. Sister Mary Corrine, 95, died Aug. 12. She was Sister of Charity for 67 years. A native of Melrose, Mass., Sister Mary Corrine’s ministries …
Youth Retreat ends the day with Adoration

At Mount Saint Mary’s Seminary on June 26th, teens from St. Gertrude, Guardian Angels, and Immaculate Heart of Mary Parishes began a five-day retreat. After an afternoon of many outdoor activities, they returned to the parish center for the afternoon talk on The Blessed Mother. Each part of the day …
Archbishop Schnurr Celebrates Mass for Teens

By Gail Finke Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr told youth groups from three area parishes that God had a plan for their lives at Mass Monday in the chapel of Mount St. Mary’s Seminary of the West. Gathered at the Mt. Washington seminary and school to begin a five-day retreat, the …
Corpus Christi Procession at Guardian Angels

By tradition, Catholics take part in a Corpus Christi procession following mass, through the streets of a neighborhood near their parish, and pray and sing during the passage. The Eucharist, known as the Blessed Sacrament, is placed in a monstrance and is held aloft by a member of the clergy …
A picture says a thousand words: Angelsfest

The CT Crew were out and about at 6 out of 10 festivals last weekend. The second stop was AngelsFest at Guardian Angels on Cincinnati’s Eastside.
Throwback Thursday: Guardian Angels artist was spot on

Staff Report The artist’s rendition is a key visual in the promotion of any construction project. An artist making such a piece is creating the final “sales pitch” to the public to show what a finished project might be like and one such example is today’s Throwback Thursday. Every once …